Tuesday 4 September 2018

Train your cat some amazing tricks

Same like many other pets, cats can be trained to do tricks. Because they tend to be independent, teaching cats can take persistence, however. With positive reinforcement and patience, your cat can have a great time playing games and performing a many tricks.

 Get a supply of treats.Cats need to be constantly rewarded with tasty treats in order to learn tricks. Keep plenty of your cat’s favorite bite-sized treats on hand when you are trying to train it. Give your cat frequent treats when training it in short sessions.

You can also vary treats frequently to keepyour cat interested.some good choices are.Diced chicken,Bits of tuna,Commercial cat treats,Small pieces of dry foodVeterinarian Pippa Elliott MRCVS has this tip: "All cats have at least one food they will do just about anything for. If your cat seems disinterested in treats, you just haven't offered the right one yet. Keep experimenting by offering different tidbits and eventually you'll hit on one that excites the cat."

Get cat’s attention.Your cat won’t want to learn tricks if she is not in the mood. Starting by giving your cat a treat might get its attention. If your cat doesn’t act interested in learning a particular trick, don’t force it to play—just be patient and try again later.
Use a clicker.A pet clicker is a smalldevice that makes a clicking sound. Every time your cat does something you want it to (like a trick), make the clicking sound and give it a treat. The sound and positive reinforcement (reward) of the treat condition your cat to repeat the behavior..Pet clickers can be found at pet supply stores. If you can’t find one, you can try a pen that makes a clicking nois

Keep training sessions short and frequent.Cats learn through repetition, so frequent training sessions will help them master a trick. Try repeating tricks several times each day.Keeping training sessions brief will also hold your cat’sattention so it will want to keep training

Repeat tricks when training your cat.When your cat completes a trick, give it a treat. Then try to get your cat to repeat the trick five-ten times in a row (giving it a treat each time), as long as it is interested. This repetition will encourage the behavior.

Don’t use cue words until after the cat has learned a trick.For instance, ifyou want your cat to sit down, don’t use the word “sit” until it is used to doing the trick. This will help the cat associate the word specifically with the trick.Teach one trick at a time.Positive reinforcement like praise and treats as your cat learns a trick will help it tomaster the behavior. Trying to teach itmore than one trick at a time can confuse it, however, because it may not understand what behavior is beingrewarded. Wait until your cat has mastered one trick before moving on to the next. Don't  punish your cat for not learning a trick.Cats learn when givenrewards and positive reinforcement, not when they are punished. Scolding or punishing your cat when it doesn’t complete a trick will only make it stressed or disinterested. If you cat doesn’t act interested in learning a trick, or doesn’t perform successfully, just try again later. Take cat breaks sothey look forward to learning.

Teach Your Cat Specific trick
Teach your cat to sit.When your cat is on all 4 feet, hold a treat in front of its face to get its attention. Slowly move it from in front of the cat’s face to just between its ears.so Many cats will follow the treat in the air and lower their rear end to get it. When your cat sits, positively reinforce its behavior by praising it and giving it the treat.If you cat’s rear end doesn’t quite touch the ground the first time, give it the treat anyway. Keep repeating this training and your cat can get better each time.
Teach your cat to “hi-five.” First, go and encourage your cat to move its paw by giving it a treat each time it lifts the paw off of the ground. Then, put a treat in your hand (wrapped in your fist, for instance), and wait for your cat to use its paw to try and grab it out of your hand. Give the cat a treat as a reward when it does. Repeat this many times, gradually lifting your hand up higher each time until the behavior resembles giving a hi-five.
Train your cat to come when called.Try this training your cat for this trick at is mealtimes, because it will already be hungry. Call your cat’s name and tap on its food bowl to get its attention. When your cat comes, praise them and give them a treat.When your cat gets used to coming when called, you can also use the command “come” for this trick.You can vary this trick by trying to train your cat to come from distances increasingly farther away, from outside to inside, etc.

Saturday 1 September 2018

Best ways to feed your dog

Change the dog’s diet plan.If your dog isn’t interested in her usual food, try giving her something new or special. This might encourage her to eat. Just make it sure  to think about theunderlying illness when choosing foods. Try giving your dog.Canned pet food.Carrot sticks.Boiled chicken, hamburger meat, tuna, sandwich meat, or other mild meats*.Meat-flavored or other flavored babyfood,Peanut butter,Pet snacks or treats,Small amounts of cat food,Rice,Vegetables, like mashed pumpkin orsweet potato,No-salt added chicken broth,Cream of wheat or oatmeal,Try bland food.If your dog has diarrhea, nausea, or is vomiting, you need to feed her bland foods. Rich or fatty foods won’t be good for a dog's health with these symptoms. Instead, feed her vegetables, cream of wheat or oatmeal, boiled chicken, or no-salt-added chicken broth

Be aware that hamburger meat can be too greasy if your dog has stomach problem. Don't feed her greasy foods if she's dealing with these symptoms.Keep the portion size small.When a dog refuses to eat, getting nutrients into her is important. Try feeding her smaller amounts, just one or two spoonfuls to start. Little and often is ideal, so offering a spoonful (that depend on the size of the dog) every hour, rather than one big meal a day, can do the trick.

Let the dog eat grass.Eating grass is an instinct for dogs when they’re feeling sick. The grass may stimulate her to be sick. This is nature's way of cleansing the system and purging it of toxins.If your dog vomits more than a couple times, or eats grass and vomits every time  she goes outside, call the vet.

Choose foods that have an odor.Sometimes, a dog doesn't want to eat because she is old, has aches andpains, or can't smell the food. Scent plays a big part in encouraging a dog to eat, so offer something that is naturally smelly, such as fish. You can also try warming the food up slightly so that it gives off an odor.

Give your dog wet food.Sometimes, dry kibble is not appetising to a sick dog. Dry food can cause pain, irritate the dog’s throat, or hurt the teeth and gums of your dog. Switch to a moist food while your dog is sick. Wet food can be easier for her to digest.You can also mix in broth, beef bouillon, tomato soup, or tomato juice with the dry kibble to make it moist and easier to eat and digest.

Talk to your vet about a special diet of your dog.If your dog is only taking in small amounts of food, speak to your vet about special prescription diets that are energy dense. These foods are packed with nutrition for the dog and often contain four times the calories of an equivalent sized can of food. However, they may not be suitable for all dogs, depending on the nature of the dog’s underlying problem.

Use Different Techniques
Do not force the dog to eat food.It’s important that you don’t force your dog to eat. The dog could feel nauseous and might vomit if she eats. Instead, let the dog do what she feels is natural. A dog not eating for up to 24 hours is no cause for concern. Even 48 hours without eatingis okay if she is drinking water.Try feeding in a new room.Feed yourdog in a room she doesn’t normally eat in. The break with routine, curiosity factor, and the fact that she has no previous associations with nausea in the room can help kick start her appetite.Introduce food slowly.If you are changing your dog’s food, it could make her sick. Instead of making a sudden switch, phase in the new food as you phase out the old over a week. Watch your dog carefully to make sure the new food is agreeing with herand not making her sick.Hand feed your dog.Sit beside your dog, dip your fingers into the cannedfood, and then offer them up to her mouth. This often does the trick. Try dabbing a bit of the food on the dog's nose or lip, so that she licks it off to clean herself and gets a taste of the food in her mouth. Sometimes tastingthe food helps the dog to realize she is hungry and makes her want to try the food.

Give your dog praise while eating.Praising your dog while she eats may encourage her to start eating it again. If she licks food from your hand, eats a bite from a spoon or bowl, or ingests anything else, give her lots of praise so that her good behavior is rewarded. You can also scratch your dog’s head or neck while feeding her.However, only reserve this for genuinely sick dogs, or you may accidentally train your dog only to eat when hand fed.show Patience and gentle with your dog.The most important thing is to be patient while your dog refuses to eat. It is frustrating when she refuses food, but venting your feelings will do nothing to help the dog's appetite. Don’t take your frustrations out on your dog

See the vet.If none of these tips work, take the dog to the vet. If your dog hasn’t eaten in 24 to 48 hours, take her to the vet. Also, take her to the vet if she has been vomiting a lot or has persistent diarrhea.

Check for dehydration.When a dog isn’t eating, oftentimes she isn’t drinking either. Dehydration is a majorconcern and can cause serious problems. Keep an eye on your dog to make sure she doesn’t become dehydrated. To do this, check her gums. They should be pink, wet, and slick, not dry. You can also press a finger to your dog’s gums until they change color. When you remove your finger, the color should return immediately. If it takes a few moments, the dog may be dehydrated.Dogs who are vomiting or who have diarrhea are at a high risk for dehydration.Do not force your dog to drink something.Nevertry to force water down your dog’s throat. Forcing water down her throat can cause more problems if she doesn’t swallow. Instead, try techniques to encourage her to drink on her own.Feed your dog broth.If your dog has been vomiting, solid food probably will make her sicker. Give her salt-freebroth or beef bouillon three to four times a day. This will help keep her hydrated while giving her needed nutrients.Homemade broth is better than canned broth.Give your dog Pedialyte.Unflavored Pedialyte, which is a drink for children containing electrolytes, can help your dog if she has not been eating or drinking. The Pedialyte can help replace much needed

Train your dog to close your door

Hold a sticky note in your hand to introduce a target.When the dog is consistently responding to the visual cue to touch your hand, it’s t...