Tuesday 9 October 2018

Easily take care of your cat

Decide if you want a kitten or a full-grown cat.cats are adorably tempting, but be honest with yourself about whether you'll be able to match that energy level, and handle that levelof responsibility. Shelters are full of loving adult cats who have a much harder time getting adopted. An adult cat will be calmer and quieter than a kitten, but may also have behavioral issues from its early life. Adult cats may also have medical conditions you'll have to address sooner than you would with a kitten. Also, kittens often scratch very painfully; Decide if you want that.

Consider medical concerns that may come with a specific kitten.If you have your eye on one cat, in particular,ask about its medical history to see if it requires any long-term care. Would you be able to afford this cat's medical needs?Even if the cat is healthy, consider its breed. Purebred cats of different breeds can have their own genetic problems to overcome. example,flat-faced cats like Manx and Scottish folds often develop breathing problems.Purebred cats are more likely to have genetic medical problems thannon-pedigreed cats

Consider the amount of time you spent on cat.While a cat doesn't need daily walking like a dog, don't be fooled into thinking that cats and kittens aren't a time commitment. They're still active pets that need a lotof play, and affectionate companions who demand attention. You'll also spend time cleaning the litter box and giving the cat structured meals.The average lifespan of an indoor cat is 13-17 years, so be aware that you're making a long-term commitment to a new family member.

Calculate whether you can afford a cat or not.The one-time purchase fee for a cat can range from $45 for a shelter adoption to several hundred dollars for a purebred cat. Beyond that, though, you'll have to pay for food, litter, toys, and regular medical expenses. The ASPCA estimates that in the first year of owning a cat, you will likely spend about $1,035 on it.
(That amount goes down after you've bought the major equipment and had your initial medical procedures.)

Consider adopting a cat from an animal shelter.The cost is minimal considering what you get: a fully vaccinated, health examined, and spayed or neutered cat.Any “free” cat is ultimately going to cost you those things down the line, if you're a responsible cat

 some cats will prefer the litter box to other parts of the house because ofthe texture of the litter. But, there are still steps you need to take to make sure you're offering the litter box as the best place to use the bathroom.Place the box in a quiet spot where the cat won’t be bothered by people, dogs, or loud noises.To keep the litter box clean, make sure you scoop the litter daily, and clean the box weekly. You should also replace or refresh the litter at least once a week.Provide enough litter boxes for morethan one cat. If you have two cats, you need 3 litter boxes in different areas of the home. One cat might try to intimidate a less dominate cat awayfrom using a single box.

Make the litter box a comfortable place.Don't frighten or startle your catwhen it's using the box, or it may forma bad association with the box and start avoiding it. Buy a large box, evenif you have to spend a little money on it. Cats are more comfortable in a larger (in area, not height) box.[9]*.Don’t switch brands of litter on your cat, because cats don’t like sudden change. Switching from a clay litter to a scoopable clumping type of litter or vice versa might upset the cat so much it stops using the box.Don’t use heavily scented litters thatmight deter a cat from litter box use.

Decide what type of food to feed your cat.Cat food comes in a vast array of types: dry food, semi-moist, and canned are the common types. Dry food is easily and efficiently stored, but cats go wild for the taste of semi-moist and canned foods. The latter types can add more fluid to the cat’s diet than dry foods. In general, food type comes down to owner preference.Occasionally, a cat with a medical condition might need one type over another. Consult your veterinarian for recommendations.
Choose a good brand of cat food.Like other animals, cats have some specific nutritional needs. They are"obligate carnivores," which means they need animal proteins to avoid severe health consequences.Ask your vet for suggestions about a goodquality food. Cheaper products may not provide enough nutrition to keep your cat happy and healthy.
.Look for cat foods that list large amounts of animal meat like beef, chicken, turkey, or fish.Also look for important amino acids like taurine and arginine and fatty acids like arachidonic and linoleic acid.Avoid feeding your cat human foodsunless you have cleared the food with your veterinarian. Some human foods can make a cat severely sick or are even toxic to cats (e.g., chocolate or any other sweet).

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Train your cat some amazing tricks

Same like many other pets, cats can be trained to do tricks. Because they tend to be independent, teaching cats can take persistence, however. With positive reinforcement and patience, your cat can have a great time playing games and performing a many tricks.

 Get a supply of treats.Cats need to be constantly rewarded with tasty treats in order to learn tricks. Keep plenty of your cat’s favorite bite-sized treats on hand when you are trying to train it. Give your cat frequent treats when training it in short sessions.

You can also vary treats frequently to keepyour cat interested.some good choices are.Diced chicken,Bits of tuna,Commercial cat treats,Small pieces of dry foodVeterinarian Pippa Elliott MRCVS has this tip: "All cats have at least one food they will do just about anything for. If your cat seems disinterested in treats, you just haven't offered the right one yet. Keep experimenting by offering different tidbits and eventually you'll hit on one that excites the cat."

Get cat’s attention.Your cat won’t want to learn tricks if she is not in the mood. Starting by giving your cat a treat might get its attention. If your cat doesn’t act interested in learning a particular trick, don’t force it to play—just be patient and try again later.
Use a clicker.A pet clicker is a smalldevice that makes a clicking sound. Every time your cat does something you want it to (like a trick), make the clicking sound and give it a treat. The sound and positive reinforcement (reward) of the treat condition your cat to repeat the behavior..Pet clickers can be found at pet supply stores. If you can’t find one, you can try a pen that makes a clicking nois

Keep training sessions short and frequent.Cats learn through repetition, so frequent training sessions will help them master a trick. Try repeating tricks several times each day.Keeping training sessions brief will also hold your cat’sattention so it will want to keep training

Repeat tricks when training your cat.When your cat completes a trick, give it a treat. Then try to get your cat to repeat the trick five-ten times in a row (giving it a treat each time), as long as it is interested. This repetition will encourage the behavior.

Don’t use cue words until after the cat has learned a trick.For instance, ifyou want your cat to sit down, don’t use the word “sit” until it is used to doing the trick. This will help the cat associate the word specifically with the trick.Teach one trick at a time.Positive reinforcement like praise and treats as your cat learns a trick will help it tomaster the behavior. Trying to teach itmore than one trick at a time can confuse it, however, because it may not understand what behavior is beingrewarded. Wait until your cat has mastered one trick before moving on to the next. Don't  punish your cat for not learning a trick.Cats learn when givenrewards and positive reinforcement, not when they are punished. Scolding or punishing your cat when it doesn’t complete a trick will only make it stressed or disinterested. If you cat doesn’t act interested in learning a trick, or doesn’t perform successfully, just try again later. Take cat breaks sothey look forward to learning.

Teach Your Cat Specific trick
Teach your cat to sit.When your cat is on all 4 feet, hold a treat in front of its face to get its attention. Slowly move it from in front of the cat’s face to just between its ears.so Many cats will follow the treat in the air and lower their rear end to get it. When your cat sits, positively reinforce its behavior by praising it and giving it the treat.If you cat’s rear end doesn’t quite touch the ground the first time, give it the treat anyway. Keep repeating this training and your cat can get better each time.
Teach your cat to “hi-five.” First, go and encourage your cat to move its paw by giving it a treat each time it lifts the paw off of the ground. Then, put a treat in your hand (wrapped in your fist, for instance), and wait for your cat to use its paw to try and grab it out of your hand. Give the cat a treat as a reward when it does. Repeat this many times, gradually lifting your hand up higher each time until the behavior resembles giving a hi-five.
Train your cat to come when called.Try this training your cat for this trick at is mealtimes, because it will already be hungry. Call your cat’s name and tap on its food bowl to get its attention. When your cat comes, praise them and give them a treat.When your cat gets used to coming when called, you can also use the command “come” for this trick.You can vary this trick by trying to train your cat to come from distances increasingly farther away, from outside to inside, etc.

Saturday 1 September 2018

Best ways to feed your dog

Change the dog’s diet plan.If your dog isn’t interested in her usual food, try giving her something new or special. This might encourage her to eat. Just make it sure  to think about theunderlying illness when choosing foods. Try giving your dog.Canned pet food.Carrot sticks.Boiled chicken, hamburger meat, tuna, sandwich meat, or other mild meats*.Meat-flavored or other flavored babyfood,Peanut butter,Pet snacks or treats,Small amounts of cat food,Rice,Vegetables, like mashed pumpkin orsweet potato,No-salt added chicken broth,Cream of wheat or oatmeal,Try bland food.If your dog has diarrhea, nausea, or is vomiting, you need to feed her bland foods. Rich or fatty foods won’t be good for a dog's health with these symptoms. Instead, feed her vegetables, cream of wheat or oatmeal, boiled chicken, or no-salt-added chicken broth

Be aware that hamburger meat can be too greasy if your dog has stomach problem. Don't feed her greasy foods if she's dealing with these symptoms.Keep the portion size small.When a dog refuses to eat, getting nutrients into her is important. Try feeding her smaller amounts, just one or two spoonfuls to start. Little and often is ideal, so offering a spoonful (that depend on the size of the dog) every hour, rather than one big meal a day, can do the trick.

Let the dog eat grass.Eating grass is an instinct for dogs when they’re feeling sick. The grass may stimulate her to be sick. This is nature's way of cleansing the system and purging it of toxins.If your dog vomits more than a couple times, or eats grass and vomits every time  she goes outside, call the vet.

Choose foods that have an odor.Sometimes, a dog doesn't want to eat because she is old, has aches andpains, or can't smell the food. Scent plays a big part in encouraging a dog to eat, so offer something that is naturally smelly, such as fish. You can also try warming the food up slightly so that it gives off an odor.

Give your dog wet food.Sometimes, dry kibble is not appetising to a sick dog. Dry food can cause pain, irritate the dog’s throat, or hurt the teeth and gums of your dog. Switch to a moist food while your dog is sick. Wet food can be easier for her to digest.You can also mix in broth, beef bouillon, tomato soup, or tomato juice with the dry kibble to make it moist and easier to eat and digest.

Talk to your vet about a special diet of your dog.If your dog is only taking in small amounts of food, speak to your vet about special prescription diets that are energy dense. These foods are packed with nutrition for the dog and often contain four times the calories of an equivalent sized can of food. However, they may not be suitable for all dogs, depending on the nature of the dog’s underlying problem.

Use Different Techniques
Do not force the dog to eat food.It’s important that you don’t force your dog to eat. The dog could feel nauseous and might vomit if she eats. Instead, let the dog do what she feels is natural. A dog not eating for up to 24 hours is no cause for concern. Even 48 hours without eatingis okay if she is drinking water.Try feeding in a new room.Feed yourdog in a room she doesn’t normally eat in. The break with routine, curiosity factor, and the fact that she has no previous associations with nausea in the room can help kick start her appetite.Introduce food slowly.If you are changing your dog’s food, it could make her sick. Instead of making a sudden switch, phase in the new food as you phase out the old over a week. Watch your dog carefully to make sure the new food is agreeing with herand not making her sick.Hand feed your dog.Sit beside your dog, dip your fingers into the cannedfood, and then offer them up to her mouth. This often does the trick. Try dabbing a bit of the food on the dog's nose or lip, so that she licks it off to clean herself and gets a taste of the food in her mouth. Sometimes tastingthe food helps the dog to realize she is hungry and makes her want to try the food.

Give your dog praise while eating.Praising your dog while she eats may encourage her to start eating it again. If she licks food from your hand, eats a bite from a spoon or bowl, or ingests anything else, give her lots of praise so that her good behavior is rewarded. You can also scratch your dog’s head or neck while feeding her.However, only reserve this for genuinely sick dogs, or you may accidentally train your dog only to eat when hand fed.show Patience and gentle with your dog.The most important thing is to be patient while your dog refuses to eat. It is frustrating when she refuses food, but venting your feelings will do nothing to help the dog's appetite. Don’t take your frustrations out on your dog

See the vet.If none of these tips work, take the dog to the vet. If your dog hasn’t eaten in 24 to 48 hours, take her to the vet. Also, take her to the vet if she has been vomiting a lot or has persistent diarrhea.

Check for dehydration.When a dog isn’t eating, oftentimes she isn’t drinking either. Dehydration is a majorconcern and can cause serious problems. Keep an eye on your dog to make sure she doesn’t become dehydrated. To do this, check her gums. They should be pink, wet, and slick, not dry. You can also press a finger to your dog’s gums until they change color. When you remove your finger, the color should return immediately. If it takes a few moments, the dog may be dehydrated.Dogs who are vomiting or who have diarrhea are at a high risk for dehydration.Do not force your dog to drink something.Nevertry to force water down your dog’s throat. Forcing water down her throat can cause more problems if she doesn’t swallow. Instead, try techniques to encourage her to drink on her own.Feed your dog broth.If your dog has been vomiting, solid food probably will make her sicker. Give her salt-freebroth or beef bouillon three to four times a day. This will help keep her hydrated while giving her needed nutrients.Homemade broth is better than canned broth.Give your dog Pedialyte.Unflavored Pedialyte, which is a drink for children containing electrolytes, can help your dog if she has not been eating or drinking. The Pedialyte can help replace much needed

Monday 13 August 2018

Save your garden from cat

We love our gardens and, unfortunately, it seems like all the neighborhood cats love it, too. If you notice cats using your garden as a litter box lol, or gnawing on some of your plants, you are probably all too eager to figure out how to keep those frisky felines out. You can choose to create aphysical barrier, make your garden unpleasant to cats, or scare them away. If all else fails, you can try to make peace and strike a truce with thecat by giving its own area to use

Creating a Physical Barrier Create an obstacle course out of plastic forks or wooden chopsticks.If cats do not have enough room to move around, scratch, and dig, they will seek another area for a litter box work. Insert plant spikes, forks, chopsticks, or similar materials,Make it sure that the sticks or equivalent materials are inserted to a depth of a few inches into the soil so that they will stay upright.The points on these utensils are not sharp enough to cause any real damage, but they can be enough of a deterrent to discourage your feline friends from lounging about.
Embed chicken wire in the soil.Lay standard chicken wire (availablefrom hardware stores) down before your plants poke through the soil. Plants can usually grow in between the gaps, but cats will find the texture of the wiring unpleasant to walk on. The chicken wire will be soft enough not to hurt the cats, but strong enough to discourage them from digging in your garden.sometimes plants need additional room to grow, you can use wire cutters to cutlarger holes directly above the plants needing more room.As an alternative to chicken wire, you can lay plastic sheeting designed for use in gardens.Lay lattice fencing over the ground.Lay the lattice fencing over your soil before you even plant your seeds. Thegaps in the fencing will make the areaunappealing to wandering cats

Press the lattice fencing into the ground gently so that it is partially covered by the soil.Transplant seedlings and plant seeds into the soil exposed by the gaps of the fencing. Over time, manycommon garden plants should grow around the fencing without much difficulty.Cover the soil with uncomfortable material.Cats will not like to dig in or play on rough surfaces. You can coverareas of your yard with a thin layer of safe materials like.Rough-textured mulch.Prickly pinecones.Pebbles and stones

Cover exposed ground with "scat mats." Scat mats (available at gardensupply stores) are plastic mats covered in flexible plastic spikes.The spikes are soft enough not to hurtcats, but they will not like the texture and will keep away.Depending on the brand, you will usually find the mats in packages of 2 to 5 mats. Generally, these mats are cut into four pieces, making it easy to fit the mat to size according to the size and needs of your garden.

Do not merely lay the mats on the surface of the soil. You need to press the mats into the soil so that the mat itself is covered, leaving only the spikes exposed. Otherwise, a clever cat can paw the mat up.

Create a barrier fence.
Cats are persistent, and able to squeeze into many places. However, a 6 feet (1.8 m) high chain-link fence, with 2 by 2 inches (5.1 by 5.1 cm) mesh can be effective at keeping cats out of your garden. A 2 ft (0.61 m) overhang can provide additional protection.7Use a low-voltage wire.An electricfence surrounding your garden can effectively keep cats out of it. As long as it is low-voltage, it will not harm the cats, only drive them away. The fence can be raised about 4 inches (10 cm) from the ground and still discourage them from entering your garden.Look for electric fencing at hardwareor home supply stores. Carefully follow all installation and safety instructions.Keep children away from electric fencing.AdvertisementMethod Two of Four:Detering Cats with the Power of Scent1Plant potent-smelling plants.Cats do not like certain plants, and will stay away from them. Planting them will make the entire area seem disgusting to the local feline population. Try cultivating one or more of these plants near your garden, interspersed among your garden plants, or in other areas of your yard that you do not want cats todisturb.Lavender,Rue,Geranium,Absinthe,Lemon thyme,Thorny roses,Coleus canina, also known as “Scaredy Cat Plant”

Use dried herbs or scented oils.If you do not want to plant herbs or other plants that cats cannot stand, you could scatter dried versions or sprinkle essential oils derived from these plants around your garden for the same effect.

Dried rue and lavender are available online or in some garden supply stores. Essential oils of lavender, lemon grass, citronella, citrus, and eucalyptus can be found in some supermarkets or health and beauty stores.You can also try rubbing essential oils on the edges of containers that you have plants in.If you cannot find these herbs or oils, you can achieve a similar effectby sprinkling cayenne pepper in the same way that you would dried herbs

Scatter citrus peels around the garden.some cats hate the smell of citrus. A quick and easy fix isto scatter fresh or dried peels of lemons, oranges, grapefruits or other citrus fruits over the soil of your garden. The cats will not suffer any harm, but the smell will cause them toseek a more appealing area.

Try somw coffee grounds or pipe tobacco.Much like citrus, the smells of coffee and tobacco are disgusting to most cats. Simply scatter a thin layer of coffee grounds or tobacco directly onto the soil. However, keep in mind that coffee grounds are toxic to cats and dogs.

Spray a commercial repellent containing predator urine.Cat deterrent sprays are available at many garden supply stores. Look for a “natural” one that contains an ingredient like the urine of foxes or other predatory animals.These products contain natural ingredients that may deter other animals such as squirrels and rabbits. Always follow the instructions for use very carefully.

Friday 3 August 2018

Train your cat to love you

Treat your cats as independent animals.Even though cats really need your care, they have a strong need for independence and personal space. While cats enjoy being stroked, they are not always interested in any interaction with people. If you strike a healthy balance between playing with your cat and giving it alone time, your cat will love you more.

One of the biggest mistakes cat owners make is to treat cats like dogs. Remember that they are very different animals
Dogs are pack animals originally bred to work alongside people. In contrast, cats are relatively solitary animals that historically served humans by killing vermin on their own.Don’t smother cats or be offended if they hide from you sometimes. This is part of their nature.Try to avoid resorting to punishment.When cats are punished by yelling orother aggressive actions, they simply tend run away. For the most important part, cats do not learn through discipline. Your cat will not like you if you're a mean owner.
Never strike a cat as this will only make matters worse.While spraying a cat with water to punish bad behaviours is a commontactic, water-spraying may make your cat fear and distrust of you

Discover your cat’s favourite treats.Like humans, there are few foods that cats prefer over all others. Find out what these foods are, and instead of discipline use treats to reinforce your cat’s positive behaviour. Tastes among cats vary, but small tuna flakes and cooked chicken pieces often prove irresistible. Ration these treats to make your cat love you.Avoid feeding cats milk; contrary to popular belief, dairy is unhealthy for them.Also avoid feeding cats chocolate, candy, raw eggs, raw meat or fish.[
Remember that treats are not a substitute for full meals of cat food.Embrace your cat’s unique personality!

Although there are certainbehaviours common to all cats, considerable variation exists. Spend time getting to know what your cat likes and dislikes. Knowing and respecting your cat's unique personality is important to getting it to love you.

Avoid prolonged eye-contact with your cat.While polite in conversationsbetween people, many cats find extended eye contact threatening. When cats blink in your presence it is a sign of trust.The next time your cat starts blinking at you, try mimicking the behaviour.*.By blinking slowly, you are communicating trust and openness, and fostering a loving relationship.When picking up your cat, go down to its level first.Slowly bend down before lifting your cat into the air. If a cat can see you before you pick it up, it is less likely to be frightened.

Feed your cat according to a schedule.Cats are creatures of habit. Don't change their feeding times drastically or very often. When cats dosomething good try to reward them with a treat, but don't let this interfere with their main meal. To get your cat to love you more, avoid frequently changing the type or brand of food they eat.Cats can be perfectly healthy eating dry food, canned food, or a combination of both.some experts recommend feeding your cat no more than two meals a day. In industrialized countries, one in five cats is obese, which can cause serious health problems.Don't neglect your cat!
When leaving home, make sure your cat has enough food and access to fresh water. If you're away from home for an extended period, ensure that someone keeps an eye on your cat's well-being, cleans its litter, and provides some stimulation. A neglected cat will not love you.While cats are fairly independent creatures, they also need human attention and regular grooming.If going on vacation, consider a cattery or pet sitter.
Clean litter boxes regularly.Cats love cleanliness; if their litter box is dirty they may find somewhere else togo. Add fresh litter daily. Wash out thebox with soap and water routinely.Don't suddenly change a cat's type or brand of litter.When switching to a new brand of litter, gradually introduce it by mixing the new and the old.

Brush your cat's hair often.They love it! Regular brushing will keep their coats and skin healthy, prevent matting, and reduce shedding and hairballs. Grooming is a great chance to discover lumps, fleas, or injuries. Also use brushing as an opportunity to bond with your cat.Avoid brushing your cat against the grain of its fur; this may cause discomfort and stress.always remember to brush gently in long strokes rather than in short, rough strokes.

Play with your cat.It will love simple and inexpensive toys -- try using a toy attached to string to simulate preyanimals. Make toys scurry like a rodent, or flutter like a bird. Your cat will playfully pounce on toys you move in front of them. Cats love owners that stimulate them through play.Encourage your cat to pounce on toys, not your hand!invest in a scratching-post.Cats are naturally inclined to scratch surfaces in your home, such as furniture. But they can be trained to scratch specific objects, particularly posts fitted with rough surfaces such as dense carpet or sisal. Your cat will love you better if it has access to appropriate scratching areas in your home.

Monday 16 July 2018

Train your dog to catch frisbee

Many dogs like to play with Frisbees, although mostly dogs don't know how to catch a flying disc. With a little patience and  following steps, you and your pet can learn to do this fun and rewarding activity.

Note: this article assumes your dog already knows how to fetch a ball or similar object. If not, start withTeacha Dog to Fetch. It also assumes that you know how to throw a disc. If not, start with Throw a Frisbee Backhand and Forehand.

First ,Buy a minimum of 2 dog discs.Human discs ("frisbees") can injure your dog. Look for the brands Hyperflite, Hero or Aerobie. These discs are specially designed to reducerisk of injuring your in  dog. There are many discs for destructive dogs (the Hyperflite Jawz) and soft floppy discsas well (the Aerobie Dogobie). The Flippy Flopper is a soft fabric disc available at most pet stores. The Kong Flyer is also a good choice.

Get your dog to get excited about the disc by associating it with very positive things.For example:Use the disc as a feeding dish for a week.Rub hot dog on the disc and praise your dog for going after it.Play tug gently with the disc. Alwayslet your dog win. Don't rip the disc out of your dog's mouth.*.Reward any behavior that shows"drive" to get the disc. This means that even if your dog jumps up and grabs the disc out of your hand without waiting for you to offer it to her, this is positive.Never tell your dog to 'DROP' the disc. Always use a second disc to entice your dog to drop the one in his mouth, on his own. Remember, always encourage your dog's drive to have and get the disc.

Throw "rollers".Instead of throwing the disc in the air, throw it so that the disc rolls on the ground like a wheel. This helps your dog transition from fetching a ball to retrieving a disc. Dogs love to chase discs this way. It helps them learn to "target" thedisc and pick it up.4Throw the disc in the air and alternate with rollers.Begin with short, slow throws, and be very carefulto avoid hitting your dog with the disc.In the beginning, your dog will likely let the disc hit the ground before retrieving it. It may take 100 or more throws before your dog grabs it out of the air for the first time. show patience!
Encourage your dog's drive to get the disc.Eventually your dog will get used to the flying disc, learn how to track it in the air, and eventually will want the disc so badly ("DRIVE!") that she won't want to wait for it to drop tothe ground and will instead grab it outof the air. This is the moment you've been waiting for! Done, you now have a Disc Dog!

Train grabbing.Bend over slightly and hold frisbee in your hand, horizontal to the ground, at the height of the dog's mouth. Then let him grab it with his mouth while you are still holding on to it. Say "drop it" then takethe frisbee from his mouth immediately. Now praise the dog graciously by saying "good boy (girl) and repeat the process again a few more times.

Train him running and grabbing.Now dothe exact same exercise, only move your body in a circle away from the dog, keeping it at the height of the dog's mouth. As the puppy grows, youwill be able to stand up while doing this exercise.

Teach him jumping and grabbing.Now that you are standing up, hold the frisbee a little higher than the dog's mouth and horizontal to the ground, so he has to jump up to grab it. After a while, release the frisbee right before your dog jumps up to grab it. Try turning in a circle with this exercise as well.

Advance to the steps above for olderdogs.If you are training a young pup, you may need to repeat all the above steps many times before it is ready to chasethe frisbee.

Sunday 15 July 2018

Learn how to play with your dog

Scratch the dog's ears.If the dog is done sniffing your hand and doesn't seem hostile or angry, reach out from the side of her head and scratch behind her ears. This is a good place to start petting a dog who doesn't know you.
Learn where the dog likes being touched.The dog may let you pet his neck, shoulders, and upper back as well. Many dogs do not want strangers petting their legs, belly, or lower back, but there are exceptions.If the dog is not yours, ask the dog's owner if there are any injuries or sensitive spots you should avoid.

First Learn the dog's body language.Stop petting or playing if you see any of the following signs of discomfort.Raised hairs on the scruff or down the back
Stiffened posture and deliberate movements
Mouth closed accompanied with wide pupils or a sideways look
Excessive mouthing to the point of red marks, bruising, or teeth marks
Shying away with tail tucked down
Crouching down6Get to know the dog.Just like people, different dogs enjoy playing in different ways. Few dogs love their toys, and others prefer to play by wrestling or running. If this is a new dog in your household, you can guess what it might enjoy by researching its breed online. Over time, you'll get to know the dog's individual personality and exactly what it enjoysSmaller dogs and dogs with poor upbringings tend to be more skittishand nervous.AdvertisementPart Two of Three:Playing Games1Talk to the dog in an excited voice.Acheerful, high-pitched voice will get the dog in "play mode.These are all signs that the dog is feeling playful:*.Stretching with his rear in the air and front legs on the ground*.Wagging his tail or acting "wiggly"Pricking his ears up or forward2Play fetch.Throwing a ball or stick isa good way to start, although not all dogs like fetch. Wave the object to get the dog's attention, then throw it so she can see where it goes.

Play with rope toys.To play tug of war, show the dog the rope and let him take it in his mouth. Hold onto the other end and pull the rope a little,but not so much it hurts his teeth. Let him pull it back and forth, then let himtake it, while you smile and look happy.
Growling is normal in this context, not hostileSome dogs might interpret tug-of-war
as a game of dominance.2Give the dog chew toys.Most dogs love raw hides, bully sticks, and other natural chew toys. Durable, nontoxic rubber chew toys are a longer-lasting option. Either way, supervise the dog to make sure she doesn't injure her gums from over-chewing or from splintered pieces of bone.

Get the dog puzzle toys.These toys usually have a hidden container thatyou stock with treats. This could be a good choice to entertain your dog while he's home alone.

Sunday 8 July 2018

Train your cat to act like a decent celebrity,

Some people love their cats so much, but there are few behaviors, such as tearing up furniture, scratching people, and getting into areas you don’t want her to access, that are simply unacceptable. You will need to practice,patience and persistence to deter your cat’s bad behavior. With certain adjustments to her routine and the use of correcting techniques, you should be able to stop your cat from practicing bad

Understand the some common behavioral problems in cats.Though every cat is unique and may have specific issues or specific bad behaviors, most cats act out in seven ways:

Avoiding the litter box or refusing to use the litter box.
Marking furniture and other objects with their urine.
Scratching furniture and other objects in your home. Your cat may also scratch you or others when playfighting.
Acting aggressive towards other people or towards their owner.
Acting aggressive towards other cats in the home.
Displaying stress or anxiety.
Acting fearful of objects or people.

Bring your cat to the vet dr for a checkup to rule out any medical issues.Sometimes our cats will respond act out or display behavioral issues because they are struggling with a medical issue. For example, your cat may refuse to use his litter box due to a urinary tract infection, or he may actaggressively towards you because he is experiencing physical pain that is not immediately apparent to you. Some cats become fearful of people or objects due to vision issues and over groom themselves due to hyperthyroidism

Avoid physically or verbally punishing your cat.Physically or verbally reprimanding your cat is one of the least successful ways to correct your cat’s worst behavior. In fact, hitting your cat or yelling at him can lead your cat to act more fearful around you, be less willing to play with other people, and display more aggressive scratching and biting. Your cat will likely continue to act out when you are out of sight as he knows he can perform the behavior without punishment if you cannot see him.
Physical or verbal punishment is generally ineffective, as short-term solutions to your cat’s issues and will not stop your cat from acting out. Instead, it will create a more stressful environment for you and for your cat. Though it can be hard not to yell or hit your cat when they do something bad thing, like urine mark your furniture or go to the bathroom on the carpet instead of the litter box, it’s important that you take a deep breath as an owner and try to use a more effective correcting technique.

Use remote correction.This technique connects an unpleasant texture, smell, taste, or sound with a certain bad behavior to deter your cat from doing them. You can use home supplies to do remote correction,

YouProvide scratching posts and daily play sessions.Most cats act out due to boredom or under stimulation, so it is important that you commit to daily play sessions with your cat. Use a toy,or several toys, when playing with your cat to deter him from playing rough with your hands or arms. Focushis attention on the toys during the play sessions and switch up the toys each week so he does not get bored.
Scratching posts are also good for deterring your cat from scratching furniture or other fabric objects. Place scratching posts in communalareas of your home or your cat’s favorite spots.

Use cat pheromones to reduce stress in the home.If your cat is urine marking or urine spraying, it can help to use a synthetic cat pheromone in the home. It can reduce stress and prevent your cat from urine marking ifhe is feeling anxious or fearful.
This pheromone is usually delivered through a diffuser or a spray and can be found at your local pet store.

Easily train your dog to take part in dog show

Gaiting is moving your dog in a way that allows the judge to see their body movement and structure. The correct gait is usually atrot, with the dogs head up.
A trotting dog’s right front leg and left back leg move forward at the same time, then the left front with the right back.
Trotting is the correct pace because it shows the dog’s true structure the best position
To start, use treats to lure your dog to follow you around without a lead. The dog should remain at your left side.if the dog is comfortable wearing the collar and walking beside you, formal lead training can begin. Attach a show lead to the dog's collar, pick up the dog and carry it a short distance away from your home. Put it down and walk back toward your house at a speed that encourages the dog to trot, holding the other end of the lead. The dog should be happy to go toward home and follow you. Repeatthis process, carrying the dog fartheraway from home each time.
If your dog fights the lead, back away and offer it treats to come toward you.

Teain your dog to “hand stack.” To succeed, all dogs must learn this to"stack," or stand squarely and still. In hand stacking, you manually place each leg in position while standing or kneeling close to the dog
.Dogs will have to stack several times during a show. Few people let dogs "free stack" most of the time, but hand stack right before thejudge's examination. This ensures the best possible stance for the dog.
The specific position your dog should be in will vary by breed. Consult the guidelines for your breed, available from the appropriate club.
To train for hand stacking, keep a good-sized treat in your right side hand. Keep it partially covered so the dog can only nibble on it as you adjust the positions of the dog's feet with your left hand.

Adjust the dog's front legs first, moving them at the elbow. Then, keeping your left hand on the dog at all times, move to the back legs and adjust them at the hock. Never stackby touching the dog's feet, as this may cause it to shift its whole body. Repeat this until your dog is comfortable with the process.
Finally, teach the dog to maintain that position. Pull the food away for a second and tell the dog to stay. If it holds the position, say "yes!" and give the dog a nibble of the food. If itdoesn't, restack the dog and try again.

Easily Teach your dog to "free stack." Free stacking is when your dog assumes the proper position on command, rather than with manual adjustment. This is most easily done with some training treats and clicker
To begin with, click and reward your dog whenever it stands. If it keeps standing, reward it again. Keep doing this until the dog offers the stand position spontaneously.
Next teach “back up.” Step toward the dog and click and treat any shift of movement backward, which should result in the dogs back legs aligning. Repeat the process with the help of command, clicking and reward increasingly correct backing up behavior.Then, teach the dog to align its frontlegs with the command "step." To teach this command, step back and click and treat as soon as the dog moves a front foot forward. Once the dog does this easily, say “step” just before you prompt it. Repeat this until the dog aligns it's front feet on command.
Finally, teach the command "stack." Click and treat every time the dog is in the correct position. Repeat if the dog holds that position. Eventually, you'll be able to just use the "stack" command without "back up" and"step.

Bait train your dog.You want your dog to also look alert and happy when stacked. Most breeds should have their attention on the handler and the judge, and have their ears perked and their eyes on you.Teach your dog to look at you is something you can begin the first time you feed the dog a meal. When you put the food bowl down, repeat the word “cookie" over and over. This repetition will teach the puppy to associate a food with that word. Later, use this command to focus your dog's attention on you while offering it treats from your hand when it is in a stacked position. Thiscauses the dog stretch its neck upward to look at you. This pose shows the dogs outline and balance to the judge.

Train the dog tolerate examination.In a dog show, judges will physically examine a dog, touching its body and mouth. A successful show dog will need to tolerate this without complaint.A bestfirst step in getting your dog accustomed to this is to to touch the dog all over its body daily, including inside its mouth. If you start this at a young age, your dog will quickly grow accustomed to it.Next, begin giving your dog regular inspections that approximate those of a judge. Closely examine the dog's teeth. For males, touch the testicles.Do this on both a table and the floor, if your dog is smaller in size. While small dogs are usuallyinspected on a table, some judges will begin inspection while the dog is still on the ground..Finally, when the dog is comfortable with your inspections, bring in a second person and ask ask them to do the same. This way, your dog willget comfortable with inspection by strangers.Start showing for local clubs.Before you try taking your dog to a major club show, try showing your dog with a small, local club. This can be fun, and a good way to determine if your dog is ready for the "big leagues.

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Easy way to Communicate with your dog

Whether you have a new canine companion or you and your dog have been together for a while, it's helpful to know the meaning of your dog's communication signals so that you can adjust your own behavior as needed and so that you can be assured of your dog's feelings and what he is feeling now. Dogs make vocalizations and gestures using their face and body just as humans do in order to express their feelings. While few of these gesturescan appear very similar to human gestures, in dogs, they can have very different meanings. In this article, you'll learn to interpret your dog's various messaging strategies and you'll learn how to communicate more effectively with your canine

Learning your dog's daily habits, mannerisms, and movements through observation will allow the process of understanding itscommunication behavior to feel more natural. There will be plenty of things it does that will make sense to you without explanation. Just as every person is unique, so is your dog.Be aware that much of a dog's language or communication techniques are subtle.By learning canine communication, you will be able to respond to any problems your dog expresses beforea situation escalates. Not noticing small signs of stress or unhappiness can soon lean to more aggressive or distressed behaviors.always Remember that this is a two-way learning process. Dogs have to learnour behavioral cues as well, and you should be careful about your own gestures and posture. Dogs also do not understand English language. It is important that you teach your dog what you mean by "no" or "sit". Just saying "sit" over and over again won't make him learn it, and will make him think it's just part of the random nonsense you say during the day. Luring your dog into a sit position and then rewarding them heavily for doing that task will makehim eager to sit, and then saying theword as he sits will make him connect the dots that the word "sit" means "put your butt on the floor"
Note that a dog's ability to signal may be hampered by thebreedin question. Suppose, if your dog has squat ears or a docked tail, some of the signals may not apply to him/her.2Know your dog’s response to eye contact.Consider how you feel when someone stares at you directly rather than using normal eye contact. Just as you find it confronting, dogs also feel confused and threatened by direct head-onstaringbecause it is a threat stance for them. A dog that looks away in this situation is actuallybeing polite and is seeking to avoid confrontation. Alternately, training your dog to make eye contact to communicate is extremely helpful for keeping his focus on you..The most effective forms of dog training are positive reinforcement and clicker training. These are the most consistently proven type of training shown by scientists, veterinarians and animal behaviorists. Punishment is frownedupon because it is proven that dogs have very short memories, and likelydo not connect situations like them pooping on the floor to your dissatisfaction. In fact, dogs do not feel guilt. Their owners simply stop being as mad when they "look guilty" and it becomes rewarding for both the owner and dog for the dog to offer signs of "guilt". The dog learns you dislike it when poop is onthe floor and when you come home, they "act guilty" in order to appease you. They do not in fact relate their action of pooping to you being mad.

Clicker training is the idea is to lure your dog into a position and indicateinstantly they have done the right thing, and reward them for that behavior. Dog behavior is driven by the most rewarding or least punishing option they have in every situation. If the most rewarding option is to chew onyour shoes, they will do so. If you reward them for not chewing on yourshoes, they will choose to do that even when you are not around. In contrast, punishment or dominance suggests showing the dog who is boss, which simply results in the behavior being done when you are not around.
Dogs are highly reward based and the dominance theory has been disproven. Dogs act in ways that aremost rewarding, not based on trying to "dominate" you or another dog. Bethe most rewarding thing in your dogs life and he will be eager to do whatever you say.

Sunday 1 July 2018

Best ways to know if your cat is ill

One of the happiness a of caring for cats is their laid-back nature. Cats excel at being relaxed and living the sort of lifestyle we can only dream of: playing,eating, and sleeping. Unfortunately, these habits can be a disadvantage if cats become sick. Instinctively, cats may then try  helps to know what signs to look for
Looking for Changes in cat's Behavior and Appearance

Pay attention to how much your cat sleeping.Sick cats will sleep more sometimes. If your cat doesn't have other signs of illness, such as vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, or obvious swellings, then keep him/her under observation. If symptoms develop, get him/her checked by a vet

If your cat isn't showing other symptoms, monitor him/her for 24 hours
 If he/she enters a second day of excessive tiredness then it's time to take him/her to the vet clinic.

Check your cat's fever temperature for fever.Use a rectal thermometer to check your cat's temperature. However, if she gets distressed it is best to stop and leave this to your veterinarian. 99.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit is a normal temperature range, while anything over 102.5 is regarded as raised, and over 103 is feverish.Take your cat to the vet if it has a fever.

A feverish cat usually sleeps heavily,may refuse food, and often has a dull coat that sticks out at odd angles. Its nose and ears may be dryand warm when you touch them with fingers at normal body temperature. While touching the ears is an inaccurate way of checking temperature, if the cat's ears feel cool then it is unlikely he/she has a fever.

Monitor any changes in the cat's litter box habits.Pay attention to: how much your cat uses the tray, if it has difficulty, if blood or mucus is in the urine, or if the feces are hard and nugget-like.

If the cat has had diarrhea, but continues to strain or has constipation   take it to the vet. Repeated straining and not passing urine, or the presence of blood, shouldtrigger an urgent call to the vet.

.Male cats are prone to urinary problems where they have difficulty passing water. The signs include visiting the tray frequently, and perhaps even squatting outside the tray. The cat may squat for several minutes or keep getting up and moving to a new spot then squattingagain. If possible, check to see if he/she produced any urine and if he/she did, check for blood.

Pay attention to your cat’s appetite and how much she eats .If you have noticed that your cat has not been eating much, or has been eating more than normal, there may be something wrong. If your cat shows no interest in food for a full day, there could be a range of issues--from eating the neighbors’ food, to feeling nauseous, to kidney problems.On the other hand, if you cat is suddenly ravenous, it could signal a health issue.

If your cat refuses food for more than 24 hours, get him/her checked by a vet so that the underlying problem can be corrected before he/she develops complications.

Check to see if your cat is dehydrated.Be alert for changes in your cat's drinking behavior. How much your cat drinks depends on whether he/she eats wet food (in which case it is unusual to see him/her drinking) or dry food (it is normal to see him/her drinking). Many conditions cause increased thirst, such as some types of infections, kidney disease, overactive thyroids, and diabetes. If your cat is thirsty, have him/her checked out by avet.
You can also physically check. Carefully and gently, grasp his/her skin between his/her shoulder blades. Pull the skin up and away from his/her body (again, very gently) and then let go. If your cat’s skin does not snap immediately back into place, he/she is more thanlikely dehydrated and should be taken to the vet.6Pay attention to your cat’s weight and body silhouette.Any change in weight is significant and should merit a trip to the vet. Sudden or even gradual weight loss could signal illness. If in doubt, weigh your cat once a week at home and if the cat keeps losing weight seek veterinary advice.

In the early stages of conditions such as diabetes or hyperthyroidism, the cat may seem otherwise well, but lose weight. Seekmedical advice if the cat keeps losing weight.*.Some illnesses, such as cancer in the belly or heart disease, mean the cat's overall weight stays the same but he/she loses body condition. This means you can feel his/her ribsand backbone more easily as there is less fat cover, but his/her belly might look rounded or swollen. If in doubt, get him/her checked by a veterinarian.

Examine your cat’s coat.A sick cat usually doesn't have the energy to groom himself.Typically, a coat that was once glossy and well-kept becomes dull, matted, and tangled. While stress can account for shedding or changes in grooming habits, your cat may actually be sick. Consult with a vet.

Changes in grooming habits may also be a result of arthritis. Grooming may be painful if your cat is stiff and sore. Once again, it's a sign that a trip to the vet is necessary.

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Care of little kittens

Caring for new born kittens is hard work but we should know about it . They need attention and care around the clock. If you have recently taken in some newborn kittens, you will have your work cut out for you. If the mother cat is still in the picture, she can provide most of the kittens’ needs herself. You can support her by feeding her and leaving the kittens alone during their first week of life. If the mother those kittens is not around or not able to care for her babies, then you will have to take over her responsibilities. This will include feeding the kittens, keeping the kittenswarm, and even helping the kittens go to the bathroom.

The care thatyou give some new born kittens will depend on a few things: the kittens’ ages, whether or not the mother cat is still caring for the kittens, and how healthy the kittens are. If you find a litter of kittens that have been separated from their mother, then youwill need to provide the things a mother cat would, such as food, warmth, and help them with toileting. Take some time to consider the situation before you start caring for the kittens.

Get help from your veterinarian or local animal shelter.Do not feel like you need to provide care for these kittens all by yourself. Caring for new born kittens is more difficult job and you may not have everything you need to ensure their survival. Contact your local veterinarian or animal shelter forassistance. They may be able to provide a surrogate mother to help thekittens get proper nutrition or they may be able to help you with bottle feeding.
Giving food for the mother cat if she is still around.If the mother cat isstill present and caring for her kittens,then the kittens will be better off if you let their mother take care of them.But you can still help by providing food and shelter for the mother cat. Just make it sure that you keep the food and shelter in separate areas or she may not accept either.

Feed the kittens.If their mother cat is not around or is unable to care for her kittens, you will need to prepare their food for them and feed them yourself. The type of food that you prepare for the kittens will depend on how old they are. Make sure that you ask your veterinarian about any special feeding needs your kittens may have.

Provide a place for the kitten(s) to sleep.If the kittens do not already have a place to sleep, make sure that you provide someplace for them that is warm, dry, and away from potential predators. Make sure that the place you choose for the kittens is out of the elements and away from drafts. You can use a box or a cat carrier thatis lined with clean towels or blankets.

Keep the kittens warm.If the mother cat is not around, you will need to provide a heating pad or hot water bottle wrapped in a towel to help keep the kittens warm. Just make sure thatthe kittens can get away from the heat if they become too warm. Check on them often to see if they seem comfortable.Allow the mother cat to help her cats if she is around/able.If the mother cat is still around to help her cats use the bathroom, let her do her job. During the first few weeks of theirlives, mother cats will lick their babies’ genital regions to help them urinate and defecate. Do not interfere when the mother cat is helping her babies like this

Friday 22 June 2018

Best ways to handle stray cat

Ask your neighbors about cat.
Make every effort to make it sure the cat doesn't have an owner. Outdoor cats establish their own territories that likely include other people's properties, so just because you see them often doesn't mean they don't already have a home. Ask your neighbors if the cat is theirs or if they know who is the owner

Look for a collar.
Before you take an action with a cat you think is stray, check to make sure whether or not they have a collar. If there is a collar, contact the owner to discuss whatever is bothering you about the cat.

Make fliers.
If a cat is making you problems, post signs in your neighborhood to give warning to the potential owner that you may take action. This allows the owner time to remedy the situation. Include a picture of the cat on the flier along your contact information.

Make an online profile for a lost cat.There are so many online resources to help reunite lost pets with their owners. Consider making a profile for the cat you are concerned about and see if someone claims it. The Center for Lost Pets is a great choice for this and recommended by the Humane Society.

Ask the vet to check for a microchip.Once you trap the cat , you can take it to a veterinarian to see if the cat has a microchip implant. Most household pet cats receive microchip implants at their vet appointments. A vet can scan the cat to see if there is a microchip in it Which will direct you to its owner.

Think about your desired outcome.Realize that most cats taken to animal shelters are not adopted and are therefore euthanized, so see if you'd like to keep any of the strays. A limited number of cats can be useful for catching gophers, rats, and mice, even if they won't make suitable pets. Lastly take care of that cat like own cat and be kind with her 

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Best ways to know,if your dog is sick

Just like their owners, dogs can become sick with anything from a minor virus to something more dangerous with serious complications. Since your dog cannot tell you what’s wrong, you should keep an eye out for certain symptoms. Always keep that in mind that consult with your veterinarian if you ever suspect your dog may be ill.

Watch for excessive drooling or bad breath.
Excessive drooling or bad breath can be signs that your dog might need some teeth extracted. In order to prevent many dental problems, try to train your dog so that he allows you to brush his teeth. Look for the following symptoms in your dog that might cause of dental problem:
Watch to see if your dog is eating less.
Notice if your dog is sensitive to you touching his muzzle.
You may also visibly notice your doghaving trouble chewing.

2 Listen for excessive coughing or honking.If your dog is coughing, it might not be a reason to worry. However, coughing that lasts for any longer than a twenty-four hour period might be something more serious. Get any severe coughing in your dog checked out by your veterinarian.
Coughing problems can disrupt yourdog's sleep.
Coughing in a dog can be a sign of anything from minor bronchitis to heart worms, have a professional examine your dog.
Pay attention to changes in your Pet's behavior.Just as humans may act differently when they don’t feel well, you may notice changes in your dog's behavior if it’s not feeling well.
Changes may include, but are not limited to, increase or decrease in appetite or thirst, hyperactivity or noticeably lowered energy levels.
If you notice changes in your dog's behavior, visit your veterinarian.
If the irritation seems to relate to petting a specific spot, take note, it may be where your dog is injured or sick.

4 Keep a close eye on any sores or lumps.Dogs can develop ingrown hairs, cysts, and other skin blemishes,so not every small lump or bump is animmediate cause for concern. However, the below symptoms should be seen by a professional..Lumps growing in size.
Lumps becoming deeply attached totissues.
Oozing or bleeding sores.

5 Take your dog’s temperature.
Canine’s can run fevers just like humans . If your dog facing fever, especially in conjunction with other symptoms, visit your vet as soon as you can.
A temperature of 103 is high. Take your dog to the vet as soon as possible.
A temperature of 104.5 requires immediate medical attention.

Wednesday 13 June 2018

If your dog is barking a lot,just read this and learn how to stop dog barking

Barking is a natural form of communication for dogs and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. First need to identify why your dog barks goes some way towards finding a way to restore quiet.Barking is completely normal dog behavior and stopping nuisance barking will not mean your dog won’t bark at all. They will still let you know ifthere is an intruder, the aim is just to get the barking to a more manageable level. there are many reasons for dog barks , so it is necessary to sit back and try to determine why your dog is barking. Some dogs bark for attention, out of boredom, at people or birds and some bark because they are stressed or anxious.

A dog barking due to anxiety needs a different approach to a dog who is bored.For this reasonbark collarsare considered by veterinary behavior is to be a costly investment for something that most likely will not work long-term and may even be harmful.

 exercise, chewing, company and stimulation can assist.Behavior Therapy If you have a problem barker make an appointment with your veterinarian. Many vets have additional qualifications or a special interest in behavior, so it is worth asking whether one of the vets has a special interest inbehavior. Often there are health conditions that could be exacerbating the problem, such as dementia, pain, vision or hearing problems.Dogs also bark if they are anxious, so medications can be used in the short-term to help your dog learn some coping skills. They need not be permanent. While there are some excellent dog trainers, there is little regulation in the industry, so skills and methods can vary. Ask your veterinarian to recommend someone if they can’t help.Keep a Bark DiaryIf you are not sure what your dog is barking at or if he seems to be barking at everything, keep a bark diary.

You may start to see a pattern, for example he barks at 3pm when kids are getting out of school. It might be useful to ask your neighbours to do this also, so you know when he is barking when you are not home. Your neighbours also then know you are attempting to resolve the problem.There are also voice activated recorders available, phone/tablet apps to monitor your pet and many different home security monitors you can set up via webcams to see what your dog getsup to while you are out.

There are a many different collars available to stop barking. The most humane is theHusher®, which is a soft elastic loosely fitting muzzle, that stops your dog from opening his mouthto bark, but will allow him to pant, eat and drink. It can be left on while your dog is alone, and can be used as a training aid. If you hear your dog barking, say ‘hush’ and show him the Husher® and if he does not stop, put the Husher® on.Punishment is generally frowned upon in the veterinary behavior community, but at least in this case the punishment is not too traumatic and it does help your dog not to do the behavior. In some cases where you have received noise complaints from the neighbours, it can be a quick fix. The citronella collar and shock collar are two devices that punish the bark and are unreliable and can lead to learned helplessness. They can go off randomly while the dog is not barking and even when they work correctly, the dog usually has no idea what he is receiving punishment for.

Understandably, if your dog is barking because he is anxious, this will really add to his problems. Citronella collars require you to buy replacement cartridges frequently, so can be much more expensive than consulting a veterinary behaviorist.ExerciseNo matter why your dog is barking, some general training will help keep hismind occupied and wear him out. A tired dog is a happy dog. Regular walksin the morning can help, even just a fifteen minute walk around the block is better than nothing. 2 walks a day would be perfect. If you work long hours, consider a dog walker, doggy daycare, a play-date with a friend’s dog or asking a someone to visit in the middleof the day.

Chewing causes the release of happy hormones in dogs, so giving your dog something tochewas you leave the house is a good routine to get into. If your dog tends to bury things or is reluctant to chew, just give a small amount of breakfast, so your dog is hungry enough to want to chew. Use something large such as a pigs ear or Kong® stuffed with treats so it lasts for a while. You can also put dry food into an old plastic drink bottle, and let your pet work to get the food out. For some great ideas for homemade chew toys check out this article on The Bark Post.Whenever you branch out with a new toy, please be safe, supervise your dog to ensure he is not going to end up having emergency surgery due to a broken tooth or ingesting part of a toy.CompanyIf your dog is bored, getting a companion may help. Consider fostering through a rescue organisation. That way you are not necessarily committing, in case you end up with two problem barkers! You could also arrange a play-date with a friends dog, or think about booking your dog into doggy day-care.Train Your Dog to ‘Speak’Pet owners always think it is strange when I recommend teaching their dog to bark on command. This places the behavior under stimulus control and with one more step, you can teach yourdog to be ‘quiet’ on command.First, get your dog excited by ringing the doorbell, knocking on a wall or whatever you know will start him barking. Say your command word, suchas ‘speak’ and pair it with a treat. Whenyour dog is consistently barking when you say ‘speak’, you can then say ‘quiet’ and give a treat. Your dog will have to stop barking to get the treat.

Sunday 10 June 2018

Food which are harmful for dogs

Dogs like to eat. The problem is that few of the human foods that we like are simply no good for your dog’s health.Your dog likes snacks, and you like snacks, and you like to share your snacks with your dog. Who can resist those puppy-dog eyes? But, just as your dog can eat certain things that aren’t good for you, many of the things we eat are not good for your dog health. To avoid a sick tummy, a visit to the emergency veterinary clinic or worse, take a look at this list of people foods that your dog should not eat.

1 Chocolate
contains Theobromine – a chemical that is related to caffeine, and it is also found in tea. It is poisonous to many types of animals, including dogs and cats. Most pet parents are aware that chocolate isn’t good for their dogs health, even if they’ve never heard of the toxin itself.Some people will tell you that the risk of theobromine poisoning is overstated, and that chocolate isn’t really all that dangerous, especially to larger dogs. Your Dairy Milk bar has about an eighth of the theobromine compared to a similar quantity of baking chocolate. White chocolate has less still.The danger is calculated by body weight. If your Wolfhound has snuck a bit of chocolate cake or the half-dozen chocolate chips that fell on the floor while you were baking, he’s probably going to be okay. If your Yorkie gorged herself on chocolate bonbons, get her to the vet. If she ate enough of it, it could kill her.

 GUM is a sweetener used in some kinds of candies, chewing gums, and specialty dental products. It’s found naturally in many food plants, althoughcommercial xylitol is usually made from corn husks and Dupont Chemical makes theirs from hardwood.

Over the long term or in very high doses, onions cause effect to the redblood cells in dogs and cats.

A moment ago, we discussed Theobromine.  Caffeine causes the same kinds of health problems, but worse. In fact, when your body processes caffeine, one of the products is theobromine.

5 ,
Grapes are poisonous to dogs. Unfortunately, we don’t know what exactly the toxin is, or why they cause problems, and therefore it is impossible to predict how many grapesit would take to kill the pet. To be safe, if Rover has eaten any grapes, rush him to the vet, after all better safe than sorry. If the vet can treat him before hiskidneys are damaged, the dog can often be saved.

Friday 8 June 2018

Tips if you are traveling with your pets for vocation

If you are traveling with family , you might want to invest in a little extra preparation and planning to make the trip better  for both you and your pets.  Each method of transportation presents with different obstacles, but  be careful planning can help you negotiate those obstacles with cookie cutter precision and reindeer fast speed.

First, no matter how you made plan on getting to your destination, the most necessary initial step is making sure your dog or cat is properly and even overly identified.  This means microchipped, collared and tagged and even travel tagged with your destination address and phone number.  Make it sure the collar is adjusted properly, so not too loose and also not too tight.  Double check that your critter’s microchip is still readable and correctly positioned.

 This can be performed by most veterinary offices oranimal shelters.Show your veterinarian a little Christmas cheer by getting your pet in for a wellness check that includes vaccinations if necessary.  This is an necessary step especially if you are going by air or crossing state or country lines.  Your veterinarian will be able to provide you with any relevant paperwork for these occasions.  It’s also a good idea to make sure your pet is healthy enough to travel.  If you thinktraveling is stressful, just imagine whatit can be like for your little pals.  We all know that stress can trigger illness, so making sure your pooch or cat don’t have any underlying health concerns before dumping on the stress will makeeveryone’s sleigh bells ring.Hitting That Wide Open RoadIf your furry friends are taking the backseat on a road trip this winter, it’s going to take more than just loading them up and taking off.  Make it sure they have a safe and comfortable area free from loose luggage, holiday treats,presents, etc.  These not only possess an ingestion risk but also can topple over on them when taking those curves.If your pet(cat and dog) is an inexperienced passenger, awell-ventilated cratewould be the best answer.  This prevents Rover or Fluffy from roaming where they shouldn’t be (the driver’s seat) and also protects them from falling objects.  Some more anxious animals may be more comfortable in a crate, especially if it contains their normal bedding and toys.  Help ease them into traveling by taking them on several short trips in the months and weeks leading up to your vacation so that they can get their ‘car legs’ underneath them.More experienced canine riders may prefer apet seat beltrather than crate. This will provide them with a better vantage point of the winter wonderlandand may make them a more jolly passenger.  Again, if your pet is new to the seatbelt, a few practice runs earlier in the season will make using it easier for you and him. We have also preparedaguide on how to select the right dog restraint.Pets can also travel safely in SUVs or hatchbacks by using apet gatethat keeps them confined to the back of thecar.  The pet gate needs to go from the floor of the car all the way to the ceiling to properly corral them.  If this is your preferred method, don’t stack any luggage back there with them as things can shift during transport.Whatever your method, it is best to never leave your pet free to roam in your car, no matter how experienced they are.  With longer trips and winter driving conditions sometimes being unpredictable, a loose pet can cause unwanted disturbances as you go on your merry way.Also, pack an emergency kit for your pet, just as you would yourself.  This should include food, water, and extra blankets for bedding or warmth.  That way if your trip ends up taking longer than expected or you encounter car or weather troubles, your critter will be safe and cared for.Taking to the SkiesIf air travel is on your list this holiday season, nothing can be more helpful than speaking with your airline prior to the trip.  They will identify the exact paperwork and crate specifications your little buddy will need to quickly clear that holiday security line.If your pup or kitty is riding in the cabinwith you, make sure he is confined in a safe and propercrate or carrier.  You don’t want to be chasing as escapee through a crowded airport.  Also, make sure your crate has proper and easily viewable identification on it in case it somehow gets separated from you.  Keep your pup on a leash whenever he’s out of the crate, which should onlybe for potty breaks.If your pet is too large to fit in the cabin, please consider leaving them at home.  In most areas of the country, it is too cold to have pets in the cargo area and most airlines won’t accept them.  If leaving them home is absolutely not an option for you, make sure you have a proper crate that is large enough for your critter to turn around in and sturdy enough to protecthim from other luggage.  Provide him with absorbent, warm bedding.  You can also provide water by freezing some in a dish.  This helps prevent spillage and your animal might enjoy the entertainment of licking the ice cube.  Over-identify your crate with yourpersonal information as well as your destination’s information.  You should also mark ‘Live Animal’ on there so airport personnel know to handle with care.Pet Hotel versus TravelingFinally, if you are traveling but leaving your furry family at home, there are a few things you can do to make this transition easier.If your pet is going to a boarding facility, make sure they are up-to-date on vaccinations.  This will help prevent contagious illnesses they may come in contact with.  If your pet is new to this type of vacation, consider boarding himfor short stays prior to the main event to get him more comfortable.  It’s a good idea for you to check out the situation beforehand as well.  This will help you make the choice between a stand-alone boarding facility, veterinaryclinic, or someone’s in-home facility.If boarding doesn’t seem to be your cupof hot chocolate, you can always have someone come into your home.  This let’s Rover and Fluffy maintain their at-home comforts while still being cared for on a daily basis.  Make sure you find someone you trust and that comes well referenced.  Again, a trial run prior to the trip is never a bad or naughty idea.Make the most wonderful time of the year even more wonderful and stress-free with careful planning.  If you are traveling with your beloved pet this year, it is especially important to plan to ensure that everyone arrives at their destination safely and joyfully.  Planning ahead means visiting your veterinarian and knowing the paperwork guidelines for clearing airline security.  It also means practicing to make sure your pet can make the trip as comfortably and merrily as possible.

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Train your dog to pick things back

Train your dog to do advanced tricks like find something or bring their food bowl ,We all know those talented dogs who work as assistance dogs and can complete detailed and complicated tasks such as helping their owner do shopping, answer the phone, open the fridge or recognise signs of low blood sugar. While many of these tasks could be beyond our reach, it certainly is possible to train your dog to bring you things back, find people and understand basic words. With just ten minutes a day, you can teach your dog to do this.

The easy way to teach tricks is to clicker train your dog. The idea is that the clicker tells your dog that he is on the right track in learning a skill. It means you can be a distance away from your dog and reward at the spot the behavior you want in a very precise way. You can click a slight eye movement in your dog for example. There is no ambiguity in what your dog is being rewarded for
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 Clickers allow you to shape behavior, which essentially means encouraging and rewarding closer and closer approximations to the behavior you want. The clicker should always be paired with a treat, your dog needs to know that whenever you ‘click’ he will get a treat.

always keep in mind training period short to reduce frustration and enhance concentration, ten  minutes is perfect. Remember to always reward after clicking your dog and reward within 3 seconds. The more you train with your dog, the more he will experiment with behaviors during training period to work out what you want him to do. When teaching a difficult command, you can give your dog a ‘jackpot’ of lots of treats and a big cuddle and praise when he finally gets it right.Training should be fun for you and yourdog, so whenever you complete a training session, always end on a positive note. If you are both getting frustrated, ask your dog to do something he knows how to do and reward him for that. Never end on a failure. The following video has some great training advice and features the clicker and how to shape behaviors.

Use the ‘take it’ commands to get your dog to pick up a toy or a thing, then click and reward when he takes a step towards you. You may need to encourage your dog by tapping your side. Click and reward even a slight movement towards you. When he is reliably coming to you with the toy, pair the action with ‘bring it’

Sunday 3 June 2018

Train your cats to use litter box

cIt feels amazing that kittens are as clean as they are. Contrast a kitten with a puppy of the same age and you’ll soon realize our feline friends are a lot quicker to learn where the toilet is.

This is because they learn by watching the mother and copying each other habits .For those fortunate enough to experience the joy of a litter of kittens in the house, you can expect the Mamacat to do the bulk of the toilet training. All you need do is provide  her the right tools to teach her kittens, and then sit back with a cup of  coffee and enjoy their antics.Thus, simply provide a large litter box with low sides that contains plenty of non-clumping cat litter.

Use non-clumping litter for kittens as they will investigate it with their mouths. When swallowed, clumping cat litter could cause a gut blockage.For tiny cats, lie a book beside the tray to act as a step to help them get inand out. Locate the tray in a quiet corner of the room, but well away from their food and water. Hopefully Mama Cat will pop in to do her business, with the kittens hot on her heels. Then they will watch, and learn.

litter tray cleanliness and kittens.Scent markers from pee and poop help attract the kittens to the tray.Whilst the tray should be kept so clean, don’t swoop straight in but to wait a few hours before spot-cleaning. This helps the youngsters get a stronger sense of what is a toilet area and what isn’t.Homing a Cat and Teaching Good Litter Box Habits What do you do when bringing a kitten or new cat home?Help matters along with a little forethought and planning. This applies equally to homing an adult cat as well as a kitten. The first thing is to find outfrom the rescue or breeder what type of substrate  the kitten is used to. Be specific. example, if they use a clay-based litter find out what the brand is. This is because kittens are creatures of habit and far more likely totoilet in the right place when they recognize the substrate. Go with this for now…you can always change litter further down the line.The other basic  point is to introduce the cat to one room at a time. Set up one room as the cat’s starter home, complete with food, water, bed, hiding place, scratch post, toys, and litter tray. By introducing a limited world, the cat will find her pawsmore quickly. Then once she is confidently coming out to say, “Hello” you can expand her horizons.

You wouldn’t want to eat your dinner sitting beside a toilet, and neither does your cat. Put food and water bowls on the different side of the room to the tray.

Teach  the cat where the tray is, and make gentle digging motions in the clean litter to help the penny to drop.

Friday 1 June 2018

Train your dog to shake hand with others

Teaching your pet especially dog to shake hands is a great party trick and one that is easily taught. You can even get the kids involved in this training.Most children over the age of 7 years can be taught basic training techniques and in fact many children are more persistent than adults when itcomes to training the family pet
Basic need is ;Patience,1 dog preferably with at least 1 front paw
Small tasty treats that don’t take long to chew (use something high value such as bbq chicken orliver treatsif your dog is hard to motivate, or train when he is feeling hungry)
Just five minutes each day Steps to Teach ‘Shake’hands
Assuming your dog can sit, the first step is to get him in position.
You learn to train your dog to sit in on this blog
2.Hold a treat in your hand and show him the treat (it may be useful to have the remaining treats easy to access in a pouch or pocket), then close your fist over the treat.
3.Hold the treat, in your closed fist close to his foot, about  five cm/2in off the ground.
4.If your dog stands up, ask your dog to sit again.
5.If your dog lifts his paw even a little, or even shifts weight onto the other paw, tell him he is a good boy and give him the treat.6.few dogs will bat at your hand to get the treat, so as soon as this happens open your hand to reveal the treat and tell him ‘good’ or ‘yes’, whatever your signal is for doing the right thing.
7.during this time your other hand should be held out flat to ‘shake. Hand’ when your dog lifts his paw, so you can grab his paw while he takes the treat.
8.Reward him at the spot when he does the correct thing, even if he only lifts his foot a little bit the first time.
9.When he is feeling reliable lifting his paw for a treat, add the word ‘shake hand’.
10.Gradually phase out the treats, so he only gets a treat intermittently once you are sure he knows the trick.Hints and Tips
Just practice for 5-10 minutes every day, any longer and you will both get tired and frustrated.

Always end on a positive note, if you are getting frustrated and your dog is not getting it’, go back to a trick he does know and reward him for that.
Avoid treats that need to be chewed for long periods, or you will spend most of your time watching him eat.
Clicker trainingis another great way to shape behaviors like ‘shake hands’If you have a particularly stubborn dog, this is another way to teach ‘shake’.

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Train your dog to sit down

Just as important as teaching your dog to come back to you , teaching your dog to sit down is an important skill for your dog to know.

Here is best method to show you how to teach your dog to sit down
Training treats Make it sure that before you start you have some small treats that your pooch really enjoys. These will be very necessary for your training.

Get your dog’s attention Call your dog’s name and make sure that he has your complete attention.

Make sure that he is near with you and looking right at you before continuing further

Command and treat Tell your dog the command “sit down” and if you want, to bolster the command, point your finger at the ground.
Assoon as he plants his rump, give him the treat and some praise.

Repeat as necessary but don’t overdo it, otherwise your dog will get complacent and plump awfully fast. Also, never try to train your dog when he is feeling tired because he will not respond the way you are  expecting.

Train your dog to close your door

Hold a sticky note in your hand to introduce a target.When the dog is consistently responding to the visual cue to touch your hand, it’s t...