Wednesday 30 May 2018

Train your dog to sit down

Just as important as teaching your dog to come back to you , teaching your dog to sit down is an important skill for your dog to know.

Here is best method to show you how to teach your dog to sit down
Training treats Make it sure that before you start you have some small treats that your pooch really enjoys. These will be very necessary for your training.

Get your dog’s attention Call your dog’s name and make sure that he has your complete attention.

Make sure that he is near with you and looking right at you before continuing further

Command and treat Tell your dog the command “sit down” and if you want, to bolster the command, point your finger at the ground.
Assoon as he plants his rump, give him the treat and some praise.

Repeat as necessary but don’t overdo it, otherwise your dog will get complacent and plump awfully fast. Also, never try to train your dog when he is feeling tired because he will not respond the way you are  expecting.

Thursday 24 May 2018

How to be nice with your pets?top best ways

These are the best ways to be nice with your pets

1.Feed them
Make sure it's just the right amount. Too little food results increase in hunger, which may result in your new shoes gt etting chewed by dogs or other pets and malnutrition in your pet. Too much food can cause vomiting and stomach pain and all the conditions usually associated with obesity in animals. You have to distinguish between the times they're genuinely hungry and the times they're just trying to get food. This canbe difficult with a horse which will graze out doors as it chooses or with a hamster that has learnt to beg despite having a full food bowl but try to distinguish between hungry and attention seeking where appropriate.

Clean their food and water bowls
at least once a day.It's the same as with us. You wouldn't eat out of the same plate for one whole week, and you wouldn't drink out of the same glass, cup, or mug for a whole month!

Give attention to your pets
Pets want as much of your attention as possible, dogs especially. However, this attention should be on your terms. In general way, acknowledge your pet's existence; even saying "Hi <pet name>, how are you doing?" Clearly they won't understand what you're saying, but at least it shows that you see them.

Never treat a pet especially a dog, like a kid
.A dog is an animal and needs leadership. Don't pander to insecurity. Instead, be strong and leadby example.

Do not do anything to hurt the pet.They are fragile and it will make them dislike you so be careful! If you accidentally bump into it or kick it, make sure you apologize by a treat of some sort or a reassuring pat on the head.

Do not become impatient with your pets.
They can't necessarily understand you verbally. So don't rant off to them. They will just see you as a crazy foreign master who likes to talk to himself a lot.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Anxiety in dogs

Every dog owner moslty know with their pet's emotions and moods from begging eagerly for a treat to excited to go for a walk to dramatic and fearful about a bath.

There is one mood, however,that is often overlooked, simply because the owner is not around to see it
All dogs may have brief moments of anxiety, but momentary whining when an owner leaves does not mean the dog is genuinely distressed. True  anxiety is a distinct behavioral change that occurs only when the owner, or whomever the dog is strongly bonded, is not around. Symptoms may be mild and could disappear quickly, but in severe cases that dog may injure itself or suffer from health complications due to extreme distress. While each dog may show stress in difference way.

if a dog has not had anxiety before, it can developue to traumatic experiences in thedog's life. Dogs that lose their family members
being rehomed or adopted from shelters are sometimes more prone to anxiety problems. Similarly, if a close family member disappears, such as from a death, moving away to college or a divorce,for example, the dog may feel anxious about that loss.Moving from one home to another home can also create anxiety in dogs, as can traumatic emergencies, such as a major earthquake, severe hurricane or other natural disaster. Fortunately, no matter what the cause, thereare several ways to treat anxiety in your dogs.

Distraction Treats
Before leaving the dog along, provide it with a puzzle treat, a fresh bone to gnaw, a new toy to play entertainmentor some other pleasant distraction. This will help minimize boredom and help the dog focus on something other than its absent owner.

Start With Short Absences
Dogs can grow more anxious if t
That's nn. believe their owner they never return, and they don’t have the memory poertrrhg y vto realize that aworkday is several hoursbut that you will return. Help your dog realize that being alone doesn't mean you won't come back by first leaving onlyfor short absences, and gradually lengthening those absences to help your dog adjust to longerperiods alone.

Keep Calm When Coming and Going
Rewarding a dog's anxiety by a prolonged farewell or excited reunion will only reinforce their behavior . Instead, stay calm and relaxed when leaving or returning, and ignore your dog for several minutes after you get home before greeting them with a kind word or a quick petting. This will help the dog get the idea that coming and going is not a big deal and no reason for frantic behavior

Consider Crate Training
Some anxious dogs respond well to crate training, especially if the crate is used for nighttime, meal times or other periods that don't involve being alone. Theywill learn that the crate is a safe, comfortable space, and they will be less anxious when they have that familiarity every time you leave. Adding an old, recently worn shirt or other piece of clothing with your smell to the crate can help keep the dog calm, since it will remind them you are still nearby.

Provide them a Healthy Lifestyle
Dogs that are poorly trained, have a bad diet and get inadequate exercise are more likely to develop anxiety issues. Providing your dog with a healthy life that includes a nutritiousdiet, proper feeding, abundant exercise, firm discipline and good training will keep them more psychologically balanced and able to handle separations without anxiety.*.Hire Doggy HelpIf a dog suffers from anxiety just from being alone, it may be helpful to hire a dog sitter or investigate doggy day care options to keep the pet company when you can't be around. This willnot be a good solution if the anxiety is severe, however, as the dog will be anxious if you are away, no matter how many other people or pets may still be nearby.

Consider Medical Assistance
There are drug therapy options for dogs that can help alleviate a dog's separation anxiety. These kind of treatments shouldonly be undertaken after careful consultation witha veterinarian, however, and only after other, lessintrusive methods have been attempted and other potential medical issues and complications have beendiscussed.

Thursday 17 May 2018

Best tips for your pets when there is thunder storm

A sudden thunderstorm can be terrifying your pets, and cats and dogs can become very stressed during storms.
There are simple ways to help your pet feel more comfortable, however, and keep them from getting too excited or anxious when storms pass by

1. First is Provide a Safe Place to your pet
Your pet will feel secure if they have a safe, comfortable place to retreat when a storm strikes. A small, interior room without windows works best, such as a laundry room, walk-in closet, pantry or bathroom. Make sure there is a comfortable place, familiar blanket, some water and other comforting objects in theroom, but avoid crating your pet or restricting their movement, which would make them more anxious or depressed

Minimize the Storm
The less pets see and hear the storm, the calmer they will be. Close windows, curtains and blinds to muffle noise and reduce lightning flashes, and turn on a radio or television for some covernoise to dilute thunder orthe sounds of hard wind and rain. Keep doors closed during the storm, and never bring your pet outside during a storm when they might panic and run away

Offer Distractions
Keep your pet occupied during the storm to keep their mind off the upsetting conditions. This can be a good time to play with your pet, playing with a favorite toy, grooming or refreshing familiar training exercises. Creating a fun bonding time during the storm will also helpful your pet associate stormy conditions with pleasant activities and good reinforcement rather than with anxiety, stress and fear

Keep Your Pet Company 
But Not Too Much ,try to Stay with your pet during a storm, but make it sure they do not see any stress or anxiety from your side. Both cats and dogs can read body language and they will react more strongly if you are upset, but they will also settle down more quick way if you are relaxed

Desensitize Your Pet
If your pet is particularly more sensitive to storms, some basic desensitizing training can be helpful. Play a recording of a severe storm, gradually increasing the volume and intensity of the recording with each playing, and flash lights or use a strobe light to simulate lightning if necessary. Training your pet to stay calm and relaxed during these playback sessions will help them adjust more easily when real storms occur.It is best natural for a pet to be afraid of severe storms, but there are many ways that pet owners can help their dogs and cats adjust toanxious conditions and weather storms without any fear.

Monday 14 May 2018

Best solutions of cats hairball and vomiting problems

Hairballs are harsh fact of cat owners, and while it is important for cats to expel hairballs,

there are ways owners can take to minimize them without compromising the health of their pets.

Cats are frequent groomers, and their rough tongues catch loose hair, which is then swallowed. While most hair passes harmlessly through the cat's digestive tract, some does become matted and stuck in the stomach part, where it forms a hairball. When the ball is large size, it must be vomited away or else it could cause intestinal blockages and impaction, which can not only be uncomfortable, but could be fatal if left untended.

Most cats vomit 1-2 hairballs each month, with long-haired cats or those that groom excessively having hairballs more often. Very frequent hairballs or vomiting without hairballs could be signs of additional digestive trouble, including cancer, and pet owners should take their cats to the vet to be sure there are no underlying problems.

Reducing Hairballs and VomitingThere are a number of tricksthat can minimize hairballs.  if a cat is not frequently passing hairballs,
These methods can be helpful

1. Grooming
 The less loose hair there is for a cat to swallow, the fewerhairballs the pet will produce. Everyday brushing with the appropriate brush or comb for your cat's coat will minimize loose hair and collect it before the cat can swallow it. This will also keep more hair off the furniture, and can be a great activity to bond with your pet

2. Good Diet
Healthy skin and fur will minimize shedding, and diet is a important component of cat health.A high-fiber diet is good for reducing hairballs, and many cat foods are formulated to help minimize hairballs. Mixing a tablespoon of canned pumpkin into a cat's food once or twice a week can add more fiber to their diet and will be a tasty treat besides

3.Hairball Lubricants
 products are advertised as helping cats more easily pass hairballs through their intestines and into the litterbox, rather than vomiting. Consult a veterinarian for recommendations suitable to your cat's health and diet, however,before opting for these mild laxatives.

4. Water
Water is a natural way that can help minimize hairballs. Provide plentiful fresh, clean water for your cat, positioning water dishes or cat drinking fountains in several areas so your pet always has easy access to water. This will also hydrate the skinand keep fur in better condition so it does not break and shed as easily.

5. Play
 A bored cat may groom excessively, increasing the number ofhairballs it creates. Provide new, interesting toys for your pet, as well as other distractions such as time in a cat patio, videos of birds or mice and time playing with you to keep the cat entertained so it will not groom so much. This will also helpful the cat's mental health to keep it happier. Hairballs and vomiting are never the best part of owning a cat, but by taking appropriate steps, both can be minimized while maximizing the cat's well-being.

Friday 11 May 2018

Signs of allergy in pets

Allergies in dogs(pets) are rarer than allergies in humans, but they can still make pets uncomfortable and make their health damage severe reactions can cause grave health problems.

Pet owners who recognize their pet's allergy symptoms can take steps to alleviate the discomfort and help pets lead happy, healthy lives in future

 An allergy is the immune system's reaction to something it perceives as a threat. When the immune system targets an allergen, it takes whatever steps it can to minimize the threat and eliminate it from the body. When that perceived threat is a common environmental element, however, allergic reactions can escalate and become acutely uncomfortable because it is impossible to completely remove the unwanted allergen.

In these cases, medical treatment can help alleviate symptomsand help pets adjust withouttoo much discomfort.

Pets can be allergic to a wide variety of environmental items, including…
,Chemicals,Cigarette smoke,Dust,Fabrics,Fleas,Foods,Medication,Mold,Perfume,Pollen

Many of different types of
 pets' allergies will vary, and not every pet has the same reaction to the same allergen. Some pets may even be allergic to multiple items, making it more difficult to pinpoint allergic hazards that are causing uncomfortable reactions.Allergy Symptoms in PetsPets can react to allergies ina variety of ways. Typical reactions include…

Itchy, reddened skin,Excessive scratching or biting as a type of scratching,Excessively runny eyes or nose,Sneezing or wheezing,Vomiting, diarrhea or other digestive problems,Snoring or irregular breathing when asleep,Constant licking, especially of the same area,Swollen or reddened paws,Chronic ear infections or ear discharge,Hair loss in patchy areas,Welts, sores or scabs on the skinPets' allergy symptoms may fluctuate from day to day, depending on what is causing their reaction and their level of exposure to theallergen. When symptoms are recurrent or increase in intensity, however, it is important to seek a veterinarian's care for proper diagnosis of the allergy and finding the appropriate course of treatment to make the pet more comfortable. In some cases, simple lifestyle changes may dramatically reduce or eliminate the pet'ssymptoms, while more severe allergies may require ongoing treatment. Whatever the case, however,noticing and recognizing thesigns of allergies in pets is the first step to helping minimize how uncomfortable those allergies can be.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Best tips to clean pets teeth

February has been declared Pet Dental Month --and for good reason. The most common disease seen by veterinarians is dental disease. In fact, 75-85 percent of pets over the age of 2 have dental disease of some form
 The truth is, the same philosophy that applies to you and your family also applies to your pets when it comes to dental care. Below, we’ll discuss the importance of healthy dental practices for your pets and what you should do to ensure they have a comfortable and long, healthy life.Poor dental habits for your pet can lead to a number of health issues throughout the rest of its body. American Veterinary Medical Association President Dr. Douglas Aspros said that, "Dental problems are extremely common, and many are painful and can lead to serious systemic conditions.An untreated dental infection can spread to the heart, kidneys and other organs, and suddenly become life threatening.

The most important sign of dental problems in your pet is bad breath. Take a look inside of their mouth and check the teeth and gums. Yellow, brown, or discolored teeth are another sign. As dental disease progresses, you may notice loose teeth and red, inflamed gums. Both dogs and cats will show an uncharacteristic reluctance to eating food or playing with toys and an overall sense of lethargy. Cats may show decreased grooming and increased drooling. You may even see your pet pawing at its mouth, as its gums become irritated. If you see any of these symptoms, the AVMA recommends taking your petto the veterinarian as soon as possible.Checkups and cleaningsThe best way to prevent dental disease from developing in your pet is to make regular appointments for health examinations withyour veterinarian. After the exam, your vet may recommend an oral care regimen, schedule regular cleanings, or offer a specifictreatment based on your pet’s current dental health.Brushing and alternatives Dr. Aspros acknowledges that only 1 percent of pet owners brush their pet’s teeth. Not only do more owners need to begin brushing, they also should use chew toys, treatsand rawhides to help keep their pet’s teeth clean. Your veterinarian can recommendmany of the products available to help maintain your pet’s oral health between checkups.Foods that bear theVOHC®(Veterinary Oral Health Council) Seal of Acceptanceensure that they adhere to their strict standards and protocols. The VOHC® allowtheir seal to be used on products meant to help retard the development of plaque and tarter on the teeth of animals.For now, though, good old dental habits like regular brushing, checkups as well as good eating habits are the best way to maintain proper oral health for your pet. While you or a family member can easily express oral discomfort, your pet cannot.

It is important to keep an eye out for the above symptoms and follow a pro-active approach to avoid discomfort for your pet and more costly veterinary procedures down the road.

Friday 4 May 2018

Best ways to.get rid from fleas and ticks

Fleas and ticks makes our pets unhealthy and humans alike, and because these parasites are so dangerous these can spread diseases and cause anemia,it is imperative that pet owners take steps to control
them. Fortunately, there are many methods available for controlling fleas and ticks on cats and dogs, making these pests less of a problem.
Follow these steps below they will help you a lot

1. Keep your pet properly groomed, remove their matted hair as well as loose and  broken hair that can conceal fleas and ticks. In summer, short trims can help remove places where pests may live.

2. Bathe your pet everyday, using mild shampoos and conditioning products to keep their coat in the excellent condition. Flea treatment shampoos can help us, but use them carefully that maybe bad for your pet

3. Wash pet bedding frequently using the hottest possible water settings and second rinses. Do not hang pet bedding to dry outside, as it may become contaminated with fleas and ticks again, even if clean so be careful

4. Vacuum carpeting, rugs, upholstery, drapes and other different areas where fleas and ticks may hide and you cant see them, dispose of vacuum bags immediately so pests cannot hide those places. If you are renovating, consider replacing carpeting with shorter piles or opt for non-carpeted flooring

5. Keep grass mowed short,as fleas and ticks thrive in longer grass so take care of your garden condition. Pruning shrubs can also help eliminate these pests, and keep your pets out of wildfields and long grassy areas.

6.Comb your pet regularly, using a flea comb to remove eggs and debris that harbors fleas and ticks that will help you a lot in this way you control the growth of fea . Concentrate on theback of the neck and base of the tail, where these pests are most common.

Changing food of your pets

Changing food of your pets

Once your pet becomes all grown up and it starts to enjoy the same kind of best quality food  that depends on the weight and type of pet you have, you should think altering your pet’s diet periodically.Variety is the spice of life for both you and your pet. If you have not learned by now, there is no one type of pet food in existence that absolutely has it all. There will never be a one size fits all method, because not one single animal is like another they all are different

These are a few best reasons why you should be changing your pet’s food regularly
First is, pets obtain their important vitamins and minerals by eating many different types of food. With most domestic diets, this can already be covered.

 However, if it’s not, you should need to rotate food to guarantee your pet meets itsexact dietary needs. This is important, as pets get older. When your pet is  young, it needs a certain food type that will helps its growth and energy needs, but when your pet becomes old, it needs a different types of food that helps its overall health including joints and weight management. As pets get older, they become less active as compare to young age Therefore, you will need to adjust your food so that it’s lower in fats and calories.

The 2nd reason you should change your pet’s food is to help prevent protein allergies.  Allergic reactions mostly occur in pets that are fed the same food for long periods of time. Over time, your pet’s immune system can start to identify a specific ingredientas harmful and release antibodies to fight the allergy. Allergic reactions are usually the first indication that it’s time to rotate food for your pet. Food allergies can range from itchy skin to hot spots and diarrhea.  Every owner should be changing food about every 3 months or so to maintain variety and to avoid allergic reactions. For the best results, rotate between protein sources such as beef, lamb, and chicken. Rotating food may cause some gastrointestinalissues at first because dogshave sensitive stomachs. If this happens, slow down thetransition until your pet starts to adjust.  Take the whole week to slowly transition your dog into the new food. If your pet has a really sensitive stomach andcan’t adjust, it may be best to quit the new food altogether or speak to your local veterinarian.For many owners, the ‘bag for life’ method is the most common because its routineand we like to think that our pet can handle or eat anything.

 The point of this post is to learn to not be one of those kimf of owners. Your pet is just like family, and family deserves better. Changing your pet’s food regularly to maintain optimum health and nutrition for your animal.

Once your pet becomes all grown up and it starts to enjoy the same kind of best quality food  that depends on the weight and type of pet you have, you should think altering your pet’s diet periodically.Variety is the spice of life for both you and your pet. If you have not learned by now, there is no one type of pet food in existence that absolutely has it all. There will never be a one size fits all method, because not one single animal is like another they all are different

These are a few best reasons why you should be changing your pet’s food regularly
First is, pets obtain their important vitamins and minerals by eating many different types of food. With most domestic diets, this can already be covered.

 However, if it’s not, you should need to rotate food to guarantee your pet meets itsexact dietary needs. This is important, as pets get older. When your pet is  young, it needs a certain food type that will helps its growth and energy needs, but when your pet becomes old, it needs a different types of food that helps its overall health including joints and weight management. As pets get older, they become less active as compare to young age Therefore, you will need to adjust your food so that it’s lower in fats and calories.

The 2nd reason you should change your pet’s food is to help prevent protein allergies.  Allergic reactions mostly occur in pets that are fed the same food for long periods of time. Over time, your pet’s immune system can start to identify a specific ingredientas harmful and release antibodies to fight the allergy. Allergic reactions are usually the first indication that it’s time to rotate food for your pet. Food allergies can range from itchy skin to hot spots and diarrhea.  Every owner should be changing food about every 3 months or so to maintain variety and to avoid allergic reactions. For the best results, rotate between protein sources such as beef, lamb, and chicken. Rotating food may cause some gastrointestinalissues at first because dogshave sensitive stomachs. If this happens, slow down thetransition until your pet starts to adjust.  Take the whole week to slowly transition your dog into the new food. If your pet has a really sensitive stomach andcan’t adjust, it may be best to quit the new food altogether or speak to your local veterinarian.For many owners, the ‘bag for life’ method is the most common because its routineand we like to think that our pet can handle or eat anything.

 The point of this post is to learn to not be one of those kimf of owners. Your pet is just like family, and family deserves better. Changing your pet’s food regularly to maintain optimum health and nutrition for your animal.

Train your dog to close your door

Hold a sticky note in your hand to introduce a target.When the dog is consistently responding to the visual cue to touch your hand, it’s t...