Monday 13 August 2018

Save your garden from cat

We love our gardens and, unfortunately, it seems like all the neighborhood cats love it, too. If you notice cats using your garden as a litter box lol, or gnawing on some of your plants, you are probably all too eager to figure out how to keep those frisky felines out. You can choose to create aphysical barrier, make your garden unpleasant to cats, or scare them away. If all else fails, you can try to make peace and strike a truce with thecat by giving its own area to use

Creating a Physical Barrier Create an obstacle course out of plastic forks or wooden chopsticks.If cats do not have enough room to move around, scratch, and dig, they will seek another area for a litter box work. Insert plant spikes, forks, chopsticks, or similar materials,Make it sure that the sticks or equivalent materials are inserted to a depth of a few inches into the soil so that they will stay upright.The points on these utensils are not sharp enough to cause any real damage, but they can be enough of a deterrent to discourage your feline friends from lounging about.
Embed chicken wire in the soil.Lay standard chicken wire (availablefrom hardware stores) down before your plants poke through the soil. Plants can usually grow in between the gaps, but cats will find the texture of the wiring unpleasant to walk on. The chicken wire will be soft enough not to hurt the cats, but strong enough to discourage them from digging in your garden.sometimes plants need additional room to grow, you can use wire cutters to cutlarger holes directly above the plants needing more room.As an alternative to chicken wire, you can lay plastic sheeting designed for use in gardens.Lay lattice fencing over the ground.Lay the lattice fencing over your soil before you even plant your seeds. Thegaps in the fencing will make the areaunappealing to wandering cats

Press the lattice fencing into the ground gently so that it is partially covered by the soil.Transplant seedlings and plant seeds into the soil exposed by the gaps of the fencing. Over time, manycommon garden plants should grow around the fencing without much difficulty.Cover the soil with uncomfortable material.Cats will not like to dig in or play on rough surfaces. You can coverareas of your yard with a thin layer of safe materials like.Rough-textured mulch.Prickly pinecones.Pebbles and stones

Cover exposed ground with "scat mats." Scat mats (available at gardensupply stores) are plastic mats covered in flexible plastic spikes.The spikes are soft enough not to hurtcats, but they will not like the texture and will keep away.Depending on the brand, you will usually find the mats in packages of 2 to 5 mats. Generally, these mats are cut into four pieces, making it easy to fit the mat to size according to the size and needs of your garden.

Do not merely lay the mats on the surface of the soil. You need to press the mats into the soil so that the mat itself is covered, leaving only the spikes exposed. Otherwise, a clever cat can paw the mat up.

Create a barrier fence.
Cats are persistent, and able to squeeze into many places. However, a 6 feet (1.8 m) high chain-link fence, with 2 by 2 inches (5.1 by 5.1 cm) mesh can be effective at keeping cats out of your garden. A 2 ft (0.61 m) overhang can provide additional protection.7Use a low-voltage wire.An electricfence surrounding your garden can effectively keep cats out of it. As long as it is low-voltage, it will not harm the cats, only drive them away. The fence can be raised about 4 inches (10 cm) from the ground and still discourage them from entering your garden.Look for electric fencing at hardwareor home supply stores. Carefully follow all installation and safety instructions.Keep children away from electric fencing.AdvertisementMethod Two of Four:Detering Cats with the Power of Scent1Plant potent-smelling plants.Cats do not like certain plants, and will stay away from them. Planting them will make the entire area seem disgusting to the local feline population. Try cultivating one or more of these plants near your garden, interspersed among your garden plants, or in other areas of your yard that you do not want cats todisturb.Lavender,Rue,Geranium,Absinthe,Lemon thyme,Thorny roses,Coleus canina, also known as “Scaredy Cat Plant”

Use dried herbs or scented oils.If you do not want to plant herbs or other plants that cats cannot stand, you could scatter dried versions or sprinkle essential oils derived from these plants around your garden for the same effect.

Dried rue and lavender are available online or in some garden supply stores. Essential oils of lavender, lemon grass, citronella, citrus, and eucalyptus can be found in some supermarkets or health and beauty stores.You can also try rubbing essential oils on the edges of containers that you have plants in.If you cannot find these herbs or oils, you can achieve a similar effectby sprinkling cayenne pepper in the same way that you would dried herbs

Scatter citrus peels around the garden.some cats hate the smell of citrus. A quick and easy fix isto scatter fresh or dried peels of lemons, oranges, grapefruits or other citrus fruits over the soil of your garden. The cats will not suffer any harm, but the smell will cause them toseek a more appealing area.

Try somw coffee grounds or pipe tobacco.Much like citrus, the smells of coffee and tobacco are disgusting to most cats. Simply scatter a thin layer of coffee grounds or tobacco directly onto the soil. However, keep in mind that coffee grounds are toxic to cats and dogs.

Spray a commercial repellent containing predator urine.Cat deterrent sprays are available at many garden supply stores. Look for a “natural” one that contains an ingredient like the urine of foxes or other predatory animals.These products contain natural ingredients that may deter other animals such as squirrels and rabbits. Always follow the instructions for use very carefully.

Friday 3 August 2018

Train your cat to love you

Treat your cats as independent animals.Even though cats really need your care, they have a strong need for independence and personal space. While cats enjoy being stroked, they are not always interested in any interaction with people. If you strike a healthy balance between playing with your cat and giving it alone time, your cat will love you more.

One of the biggest mistakes cat owners make is to treat cats like dogs. Remember that they are very different animals
Dogs are pack animals originally bred to work alongside people. In contrast, cats are relatively solitary animals that historically served humans by killing vermin on their own.Don’t smother cats or be offended if they hide from you sometimes. This is part of their nature.Try to avoid resorting to punishment.When cats are punished by yelling orother aggressive actions, they simply tend run away. For the most important part, cats do not learn through discipline. Your cat will not like you if you're a mean owner.
Never strike a cat as this will only make matters worse.While spraying a cat with water to punish bad behaviours is a commontactic, water-spraying may make your cat fear and distrust of you

Discover your cat’s favourite treats.Like humans, there are few foods that cats prefer over all others. Find out what these foods are, and instead of discipline use treats to reinforce your cat’s positive behaviour. Tastes among cats vary, but small tuna flakes and cooked chicken pieces often prove irresistible. Ration these treats to make your cat love you.Avoid feeding cats milk; contrary to popular belief, dairy is unhealthy for them.Also avoid feeding cats chocolate, candy, raw eggs, raw meat or fish.[
Remember that treats are not a substitute for full meals of cat food.Embrace your cat’s unique personality!

Although there are certainbehaviours common to all cats, considerable variation exists. Spend time getting to know what your cat likes and dislikes. Knowing and respecting your cat's unique personality is important to getting it to love you.

Avoid prolonged eye-contact with your cat.While polite in conversationsbetween people, many cats find extended eye contact threatening. When cats blink in your presence it is a sign of trust.The next time your cat starts blinking at you, try mimicking the behaviour.*.By blinking slowly, you are communicating trust and openness, and fostering a loving relationship.When picking up your cat, go down to its level first.Slowly bend down before lifting your cat into the air. If a cat can see you before you pick it up, it is less likely to be frightened.

Feed your cat according to a schedule.Cats are creatures of habit. Don't change their feeding times drastically or very often. When cats dosomething good try to reward them with a treat, but don't let this interfere with their main meal. To get your cat to love you more, avoid frequently changing the type or brand of food they eat.Cats can be perfectly healthy eating dry food, canned food, or a combination of both.some experts recommend feeding your cat no more than two meals a day. In industrialized countries, one in five cats is obese, which can cause serious health problems.Don't neglect your cat!
When leaving home, make sure your cat has enough food and access to fresh water. If you're away from home for an extended period, ensure that someone keeps an eye on your cat's well-being, cleans its litter, and provides some stimulation. A neglected cat will not love you.While cats are fairly independent creatures, they also need human attention and regular grooming.If going on vacation, consider a cattery or pet sitter.
Clean litter boxes regularly.Cats love cleanliness; if their litter box is dirty they may find somewhere else togo. Add fresh litter daily. Wash out thebox with soap and water routinely.Don't suddenly change a cat's type or brand of litter.When switching to a new brand of litter, gradually introduce it by mixing the new and the old.

Brush your cat's hair often.They love it! Regular brushing will keep their coats and skin healthy, prevent matting, and reduce shedding and hairballs. Grooming is a great chance to discover lumps, fleas, or injuries. Also use brushing as an opportunity to bond with your cat.Avoid brushing your cat against the grain of its fur; this may cause discomfort and stress.always remember to brush gently in long strokes rather than in short, rough strokes.

Play with your cat.It will love simple and inexpensive toys -- try using a toy attached to string to simulate preyanimals. Make toys scurry like a rodent, or flutter like a bird. Your cat will playfully pounce on toys you move in front of them. Cats love owners that stimulate them through play.Encourage your cat to pounce on toys, not your hand!invest in a scratching-post.Cats are naturally inclined to scratch surfaces in your home, such as furniture. But they can be trained to scratch specific objects, particularly posts fitted with rough surfaces such as dense carpet or sisal. Your cat will love you better if it has access to appropriate scratching areas in your home.

Train your dog to close your door

Hold a sticky note in your hand to introduce a target.When the dog is consistently responding to the visual cue to touch your hand, it’s t...