Friday 23 March 2018

Best tips for pets during winter

When temperatures change or drop and snow starts to coat the ground outside, it is important to adjust your pet’s daily routine life so you can keep them happy, safe, and comfortable until the buds of spring begin to bloom. Caring for your pets in the winter is a multi-pronged effort that will require some thought and preparation. Here are few things you can do to make this your pets healthy during winter

1. Adject daily calories for changes in activities of your pets
especially a dog’s diet is precisely calibrated to give him all the vitamins, minerals, and calories he needs to thrive. But when a dog’s activity level changes drastically, as it can in the winter, adjustments need to be made to ensure adequate nutrition.

2. Give them good food
When it comes to how you feed your pet, there are fun and many creative things you can try that will both satisfy his hunger and give him a bit of a workout,

3. No off leash time
While your dog might love running around outdoors off leash, it can be especially harmful when the temperatures drop.

4. Increase intervals between bath
Moisturizer is your good option during the winter, but your pet doesn’t have the same luxury. Baths tend to dry out their skin the same way it does yours. While it’s not the most serious of problems, dry skin can cause an animal some discomfort.

5. Keep a Blizzard Checklist Handy
If you live in a part of the country that’s prone to the occasional blizzard, it is critical to have a checklist handy. This will help ensure you have everything your pet may need, in case you’re stranded for a few days.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Best ways to be friends with your pets

Living with a pet is a lot like living with a human friend: it's important that we should set clear boundaries, treat each other with respect, acknowledge one another’s needs, and spend some time together. Unlike living with a human friend, even, your pet depends on you for food, health, and affection, among other things. The specific ways in which you become friends with your pet will differ depending on what sort of animal you have.

Following are the best ways we can use them to be friends with your pets

1. Show some patience
Realize that it could take some time to build a lasting bond with your animal. Some animals, like puppies and cats, might naturally be more easy around you than smaller mammals and reptiles, who might be more prone to defensive behaviour.

2. Be consistent
Be consistent in everything you do, from feeding or training, and everything in between. Some pets acts like children in that they need consistency and structure in order to feel safe and secure.

3. Never use violent actions
If your animal does something you disapprove of, calmly and firmly let them know it’s not okay without hurting them or screaming at them. Hurting them will make them more likely to attack you, or not obey you.
So takes this advice seriously.

4. Uderstand the body language of your pet
Body language is vastly different depending on what sort of animal you have chosen for your pet. If you are not aware of your pet’s body language, buy a book or reading some websites devoted to your specific animal. Understanding your pet’s body language will help you to be a better communicator.

5. Respect the likes and dislikes of your pet
Animal experts give us general guidelines about what to expect from animals, but as with people, most animals will have their own quirks. It’s necessary that you should respect your pet’s individuality;
don’t try to make it do things that it clearly doesn’t like. Note that this isn’t the same as letting your pet run your house or bully you. You still need to consistently stand by your rules.

Saturday 17 March 2018

Best methods to clean pet's hair

These are few best simple and easy methods we can use them to clean the pet's hair also you can get rid from loose hairs who are falling down on bed sheets or on floor

1. Use a roll tap
A roll tap is best way to pick the loose hairs so  I’ve got a roll of packing tape sitting in my kitchen drawer that’s used exclusively for snagging dog hair from clothes and furniture. Lint rollers also work but they dorun out much faster. I also also like to wrap packing tape around my hand and go around picking off all those fur stragglers on the furniture a few times a week. It’s not pretty but it works damn well.

2. Use a dampened mop for hardwood floor
If you’ve got hardwood floors you can use a dampened mop to pick up pet hair. I don’t own a Swiffer, but my animal owning friends with wood floors swear by them.A damp mop acts like a magnet when it comes to picking up pet hair. If you have hardwood floors be sure to use a wood cleaning product and avoid leaving any standing pools of water on your floor.

3. Use a damp sponge
If you are looking for a simple way to get pet hair off your furniture? Then Use a dampsponge or rubber gloves. Dog hair clings really well to rubber gloves and damp sponges

4. Use a window squeegee
If you have a dog and windows in your home you probably already own a squeegee. These things work so amazing at loosening uppet hair from carpet.

5. Use rubber broom to pick up the hairs from bathroom or kitchen
When dealing with tile, wood or linoleum floors there is a simple tool, I love it ,a nice rubber broom. If you get a lot of dog hair on your kitchen and bathroom floors you can switch to a rubber broom to make up picking up those loose hairs.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Best ways to make your pets happy

Moslty we want to make sure that our pets are as happy and healthy as they could be, but we sometimes get stuck thinking we’re doing everything we can do. There are always new ways we can use them to spice up your pet's life and some owners might not even be covering the basics. Here you’ll find best and easy ways you can use them to make your pet happy

1. Teach them new tricks
 if your pet isn’t the next obedience or agility champion, they certainly have plenty of room to learn new things. Teaching your pet a new trick is a great way for you to spend time together, plus you’ll be providing your pet with a lot of mental stimulation and yummy treats. And remember, old pets can learn new tricks, so don’t be afraid to try something new with your senior pets

2. Play more

Even if it’s just 10 minutes a day, getting some playtime in with your pet will build your relationship and allow you both to have fun. some pets get bored and they want to play, even if they’re older, so don’t hesitate to try and enjoy some new toys! If you have a pet that isn’t that interested in toys, you can play with food by making your pet findhidden treats or chase your hand around to get one.

3. Going on walks
Going on walks isn’t just good for exercise, it’s good for your pet's mind.  Few Dogs need to get out. Imagine if you were stuck in the house all day for your entire life. Sure, you might take your dog out sometimes, but many people don’t take their dogs out enough. Daily walks are an important part of your pet's physical and mental health.

4. Use new treats
Just like rotating toys is a good idea, rotating treats is too! Few dogs have a  different favorites that can beused on rotation and trying new treats to add to the mix is great too. Your dog will certainly love guessing which snack is coming next and you’ll get to find out their favorite flavors and textures!

Saturday 10 March 2018

Best tips to improve the health of pets

There are few ways which help us for the good health of our pet  exercise is incredibly important for your own health and fitness, but it is also important for your pet. The more active your pet is, the healthier he is going to be. You don’t necessarily need to take your dog on a 5-mile run every day, but there are some simple ways you can improve your pet’s fitness – and your own


Jogging with your dog is not something you can just leap right into,if your dog isn’t used to vigorous exercise. Dogs like to run but you should take the time to build up their endurance by taking them on short jogs several times a week, gradually increasing the time of the jog. Begin each jog with a brief warm-up period and keep an eye on your dog throughout to make sure he isn’t getting too tired. By the time you and your dog can handle three or four 20-minute jogs per week you can start  increasing your mileage  just be sure not to increase too fast.

2.Active Play

active play is also a great way to increase your dog’s fitness is to engagein active play sessions. A game of fetch can get your dog running while also giving the two of you some quality time together. Other options for active play include games of tug and hide-and-seek. To get your dog really running, throw a bouncy ball or hit a tennis ball with a racket for your dog to fetch.

3.Ability Training

Agility training is not just a best form of exercise for dogs, but it can also be a lot of fun for them. Weaving throughpoles and running over planks helps to develop muscle coordination and keeps your dog active.

4.Creative Exercise

In addition to the options listed above there are many of other options for creative exercise. For example, you might try training your dog to catch a Frisbee which will give you a chance to combine periods of play with exercise.

Friday 9 March 2018

Best ways to get rid from lice,fleas and bed bugs

These are best methods we can use them to get rid from fleas ,lice and bed bugs

You’ll be hopping mad if you get them,because unlike bed bugs, fleas normally live outside and are brought into your home on the back of your cat or dog.• They are reddish brown and about 2mm long. Look out for black specks like ground pepper on your pet’s fur, which could be flea poo.
Make sure you vacuum carpets, soft furnishings, curtains and cracks in floorboards to get the bugs and their eggs, then empty the vacuum cleaner.

2. Lice
best way of getting them, according to the bug busting experts at Community Hygiene Concernis to wash hair  Sometimes they stay still when they’re wet
 condition, to help detangle the hair and then comb through it in sections with a specialist comb, checking and removing them. Break the bug life production They can only move between heads six days after hatching, and can lay eggs seven days after hatching, so it’s vital to get them before then to stop them spreading and reproducing.

More unusual methods of ridding head lice range from tea tree oil, lemon juice, olive oil, hair straighteners and mayonnaise

2.Bed bugs

About the size of an apple pip, this flattened brown fellow is hungry for blood and will feed for up to 15 minutes while you sleep

 They like to travel and will often nestle in clothes, luggage and second hand furniture and they spread fast
,female can lay anything from one to 12 eggs a day
Once a month, look out for tell
tale blood spots on your bed linen and shed bug skin and faecal traces black marks .The only way to get them out is by calling in the professionals.

Thursday 8 March 2018

Clean your cat's hairs

There are so many ways you can use them to clean the cat hairs

1.use vacuum cleaner

There are many vacuum cleaners come with special brushes to remove cat fur from furniture and carpets. You can get a perfectly good pet hair-removing vac for a reasonable price.

2.Use dryer

Run your items through the dryer on heat mode before tossing them in the washing machine. The tumbling motion loosens cat fur and traps it in the lint filter. Clean that filter before you dry the clothes, though, because a clogged lint filter decreases drying efficiency and could start a fire.

3.Use white vinegar

If you’ve got heavily furred clothes or bedding, add half a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle when doing laundry. The vinegar loosens the hairs from the fabric fibers. The only problem with vinegar is the smell,so try a natural floral sachet in your dryer.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

These are best ways to make your cat happy

These are the best ways you can use these ways to make your cat happy

1.Try to sing with her

When she meows, do your best to respond with exactly the same sound. Keep echoingher as she moves from verse to verse. This is a best way to maintain contact with thecat as you go about other chores, such as scooping the litter box or preparing the meal.

2.Use newspaper or old magazine

There is a temptation to move a toy towards a cat, but play should engage the cat’s prey drive and no prey animal in its right mind would approach a predator. Moving a toy under a sheet of paper is a lot like the way small prey animals dart in and out of grass, and the cat will definitely be intrigued, especially if the paper rustles a little. Don’t be discouraged if the cat doesn’t pounce; a part of feline huntingplay involves watching, waiting, and planning. As long as the cat is paying attention, she’s engaged. Make sure you let the cat catch the prey.

3.Hang your coat on the back side of the chair

As with the towel over the coffee table, you’ve made the cat a tent. Cats like to hide behind something and then pop out attheir prey. Hiding and waiting in a concealed position are hunting behaviors, comparable to crouching behind a rock or in a clump of tall grass and waiting to pounce.

4.Chase your cat

Chasing is a form of kitten play that many cats continue to love as adults. Often they will solicit the game by standing at the endof a long hallway and looking back at you repeatedly as they take a few steps. Many cats also have specific rules about how the game of chase should be played and how far around the room or down the hall they should be chased. They will look back at you or verbally complain if you don’t follow the rules of the game

Monday 5 March 2018

Best tips to play with dog

These are the best tips for those who want to play with dog

Few dogs that haven’t learned to play with toys. It may be that your dog has had other dogs to play with or hasn’t learned to play with toys as a puppy. The following tips will help you encourage your dog to play with you and toys.

1.Don’t push the toy towards the dog – especially towards the mouth or face. Instead pull the toy away and cradle it as if it is something special or delicate to peek at, but not have.

2.Keep turning away from your dog and then occasionally drop the toy and snatch it back. This game will encourage your dog to compete for the toy.

3.Few dogs that are reluctant to grab a toy you may be able to encourage them by using an old sock with tiny pieces of cheese in the toe. Start the game when your dogis naturally excited and as your dog pulls at the sock to get to the food you can gently pull back

4.Encourage your dog with gentle praising,building to excited physical and verbal praise when your dog is more enthusiastic.

5.Encourage your dog to grab the toy by excitedly saying “take it”, and at the same time move thetoy towards your dog. When your dog has a good hold of the toy keep the interest by shaking the toy side to side, up and down and backwards and forwards.

Train your dog to close your door

Hold a sticky note in your hand to introduce a target.When the dog is consistently responding to the visual cue to touch your hand, it’s t...